Computer Games

Topic started by erumbu (@ on Thu May 24 15:24:07 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

hi, does any one here like video games? can we discuss and recommend good ones for others?

i love computer games. i dont like blasting enemies or other violent games like quake. i like role playing and strategy games.

recently finished Diablo 2. yet to play with expansion pack. best graphics i have seen so far. paladin is great!

yet to play baldur's gate. right now am playing caeser 3, which is a old game. need to play black & white, zues and pharoh.

what about red alert? have heard about it a lot but never played it. have civilization and shogun at home and yet to play them.

not into flight simulation. however, i have Topgun 2. which comes with 6 CDs!!! Tycoon and sims dont interest me much now..


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