Thank you Lord Pope for blasting the Tamils

Topic started by Arumbakkam Albert Ambrose (@ on Thu Jun 19 07:39:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Respected Representative of Lord on earth(pope saar),

We, fundamentalist and fanatic christians of Tamilnadu and India are very happy to see you condemn the Tamils for passing the anti-fraudulent conversions saar.

We hope that you also assist our noble missionary work of turning the Tamilnadu into a christian nation where the Tamil culture will no more exist and for that, pleaseeee do the following also:

1.Condemn India for being a secular nation. You should say that India should declare itself as a christian nation.

2.You should demand that Indian people send their constitution to Vatican for vetting.

3.Tamils should consult the Bishops here, before passing any law banning illegal and criminal activities.

4.The Vatican should be allowed to keep a representative in Chennai to monitor the day to day activities of the Tamilnadu government and there should be a Vatican representative in Tamilnadu assembly and Indian parliament to watch out for the laws being passed/amended.

5.Before voting, the Tamils should seek the views of the local church and only those approved by the church should be allowed to contest.

Respected God's Representative,

While doing the above, please be careful to avoid mentioning anything about the draconian laws in muslim countries which prescribe corporal punishment for even voluntary conversions to christianity. At times, you may feel that it is a contradiction that in countries like India which is filled with idiots, you are voicing such concerns, but you are silent about the gulf countries and other muslim countries, but don't worry, being a representative of our Lord on earth, you are exempted from having a conscience.

Nandri Ayya!


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