Do we need a caste

Topic started by Ken.G (@ on Wed Aug 7 18:24:59 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Do we need a caste
I do not how it is started
I do not when it is started
I do not know who started this

(Also I do not want to know about this stupid history…)

But whoever did..they are evil to human community…

If they say “No…No.. it was started very long long long ago…just based on work”…then why the hell we still follow this.

Because all the Job Titles has changed now then (Do we want toto Re-Name every one..again)

Now we all know the caste is inappropriate or misused. This the time to think

I am trying to think ..How to fix this.

How to avoid the caste in Tamil Nadu

Why do not we identify ourselves as a “TAMIL” with out any sub-sub caste

No one is forward or backward all are equal. Why do we keep this idiot concept?

What is the scale to measure...?

If govt. want to give a special care for one team then they should be identified based on economic background (I think former Chief Mins.Thiru M.G.R has tried this but you no success)

Officially we should remove the "caste" thing from Tamil Nadu.

Because of the Govt. benefits ...every one want to keep the “Backward” identity

Just I want to know…If I leave blank in caste a column of any form
(School/employment/etc…) will the Govt. accept it…??

Getting married to other caste

Getting married to other caste did not erase the caste…instead it is making more complicated…??

You know Govt. is having some special scheme for this type of marriages. Actually Govt. gives some free money to this couple (Not for all ..Who ever wants they can apply for this. They have to prove that they are from different caste.)

So this Inter-Caste couple …proudly says “we are Inter-Caste couple”..??
Hell with them…can’t you forget your caste even after marriage…?

So they are trying to get attn. by saying this…or trying to get money from govt. by doing this….or…whatever the reason “inter-caste” marriage does not fix the problem

Changing the Religion
Also changing the “religion” did not fix this. If a Caste “A” person changes his/her religion for example from Hindu to Christian …then he referred as a “Christian A” ….?

He was “Hindu A” now he is “Christian A”…? we are not ready to drop the Title “A”

I am not lying…please see the matrimonial columns in all news paper can see all interesting thing… like we are Hindu A but Christian A is acceptable…?

(Please Please….here I am using the 2 religions “Hindu A/“Christian A” as an example)


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