A celebration of Greek Masks: Natyashilpam to faust to Gotterdammerung

Topic started by robin (@ on Thu Jun 21 14:10:54 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Beyond the tradition of the hermeneutics, is the end of meaning. And in the myth of the democracy on the Internet rests the end of hermeneutics. The ideals of the 1970’s cognitive science revolution has gone through the utmost of intellectual prostitution, in deceitful conceit of corporate directed governments and sovereignty. Far from the ethos of the mathematical cognitive scientists like Tim burners lee and Marvin minsky. The development of the media and the communication revolution has only gone to the consolidification of the class structure, excluding the ones who are outside the realms of the net and its ethos.

The destruction of the hermeneutics is a crusade done by the elite who think that they sponsor the breath of the entire world at their mercy. That it is time we realize that democracy is not about choice but about the right and extend to information almost in the purity of the information as defined by Claude E Shannon. That choices are made on information and that the restriction of information would inevitably mean the control of choice and thereby democracy. That democracy is more than farce in a world where the worth of the speaker is the geographical location of the message than the semantic-connotational content of the concept. And which ironically in a world that speaks about a globe, which if Mercator were to sail today would turn out to be the four corners of the columbicana.

Pax-Americana is here but it is as uneasy as freezing cold. The new lingo is ‘cool’, far from the maxim of Karl bendit Cohen 30 years ago, which was ‘hot’. One could only wish that it does not get so ‘cool’ as to freeze. But all that it says is that Hegel was right or rather is right that the thesis of the 60’s have led to the antithesis of the late 90’s. Who said dialectical progression is a myth? Marx was right, I guess despite the American propaganda and the angel of death, McCarthy; which I think was Columbicana’s ‘triumph of the will’. And of people who continue the tradition of the politician being responsible for all the demise and misfortune, so what about the silence on the information blockade?

Machiavelli has grown at last you wouldn’t find him in the parliament building; you will find him here, amongst us, we, you, me, and I. Of people who live in the columbicana dream and cannot think of a job out side the shores of NEW-FANGLED England. And yes think of it who is columbicana? The dreamer of the columbicana dream, right!!!! So who is globalization, the very people who speak of it, as a cyclopean image is the people who have created it.

The ethos of the cognitive revolution in its idealistic endeavor was the celebration of the Greek masks. Like the Greek masks that celebrated the ideal as personified human form, like the Greek masks that celebrated the individual HERO as a representative of the many unsung, like the Greek mask that concealed the face of the HERO in order to give a face to the unsung, the Internet democracy is the actualization of the Greek masks. The celebration of the human world as a ‘Global brain’. But far from the ethos of the cybernetic-connectionist-cognitive revolution the Brahmins of the ‘land of the brave’ have taken the new task as ‘burden of The land of the free’, the only change that has happened since the jungle boy dreamt of a ‘white man’s burden’. So how global is global, why did the Prague spring did not spring in 1967 why did Prague 2000 not blossom into the child of hope of 2001 an odyssey that never not took off. And yes where is hal. Have our ‘Global’ paranoia killed him too before he could go mad.

But the voices of the human condition are the ultimate of all the voices and its ethos. In it the censorship and the policing of those who took the net from the students of the 1970’s (Hawaii) and north-east (media lab) cannot last. Democracy is a farce with its twin brother called censor board the elite who sits in the throne of the first estate, IN the Name of the Father, and the God, May be the son, and by the courtesy of steinem, it could soon be daughter. I thought equality was human. I wonder whether people have heard that expression called HUMAN. That democracy has been based on the censorship, and that, is the farce of the idea. The farce of Christopher Marlow, as I call it. But the refuge is Goethe, because he knew that the eternal Faust exists because of the Mephistopheles that seeks him to the greatest of human endeavor. So why hate Mephistopheles. Will the Faust exist without the mephisto? May be mephisto is Faust. And why not. The net is a mirror and the extent to which it becomes a symbol of the scandal and disgrace the more it will be reflecting the repression in the DEMOCRATIC world of CONTROLLED choice and Information. If people use the net to be scandalous that is only an image to the extend to which people have been repressed. But soon the twilight shall dawn, that will be the twilight of the gods, and Hans Sachs shall sing in the finest of the mastersingers. But amongst all shall last the dreams of the Greek masks and the hermeneutics of the fertile cow that represents the generativity of life and the altruistic expression of human ethos that shall live in the trains of the Hungarian deportees of Raoul wallenberg, the greatest of the Greek masks.

Faust: ‘Tis writ: ‘In the beginning was the word!’
I pause, to wonder what is here inferred?
The word I cannot set supremely high,
A new translation I will try.
I read, If by the spirit I am taught,
This sense: ‘In the beginning was the thought’.
This opening I need to weigh again,
Or sense may suffer from a hasty pen.
Does thought create, and work, and rule the hour?
T were best: ‘ In the beginning was the power!’
Yet, while the pen is urged with willing fingers,
A sense of doubt and hesitancy lingers.
The spirit come to guide me in need,
I write, In the beginning was the deed!’

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Faust I Transl. Philip Wayne (penguin classics; London).

The deed, I think, is the understanding of the world in the natyashilpam of the human expression. The quintessence, that is in the minds of all the people, even beyond the borders of the land/s of the brave and the free.


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