Muslim Leaders Salute Will Smith
Topic started by ASM (@ on Mon Nov 26 01:40:02 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Muslim leaders across America are saluting Will Smith for embracing their religion after completing the Muhammad Ali biopic. Smith was introduced to the religion while learning about the legendary boxer's life - Islam is Ali's religion of choice. Friends close to Smith claim the megastar is now embracing the religion in his own life and is eager to learn more about it. Director of the American Muslim Association of North America, Sofian Zakkout says, "Muhammad Ali is one of the best examples of Muslims in this country. He's been a wonderful spokesperson for the religion and if Will Smith can continue Muhammad Ali's work that would be wonderful." He continues, "Islam is a peaceful religion and if good people such as Muhammad and Will can carry that message then it would be wonderful. It would be a positive message for peaceful Muslims all over the world." Smith appeared at the America: A Tribute To Heroes telethon in September alongside Ali, defending Islam in the wake of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
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- Old responses
- From: mmc (@
on: Sun Aug 11 07:25:48
why women are not allowed to pray to Allah side by side in mosques???
a women's witness is only half valid in Islamic law.
why women doesnt become Mullahs and Moulvis???
- From: Arasan (@
on: Mon Aug 12 04:49:14
"why women are not allowed to pray to Allah side by side in mosques???" - First of all, this 5 daily prayer is an invention of the jewish converts to islam (which is stylised Rabbanic Judaism using Arabic as the language of corruption/torture/art/conversion you get the drift..)Besides the ficticious side of it, Why can't men and women pray on their own? Salat no where in the Quran equates prayer..salat is another story...
"a women's witness is only half valid in Islamic law".- Read the Quran again, a woman's testimony is not half that of a man's. Again this is an invention of misogynists.
why women doesnt become Mullahs and Moulvis??? -Do you really want more headaches..If a woman becomes a mullah, she might open a mecca for shopping...
remeber the bigger the lie the easier for one to belive..Tell a man that there are no ghosts , apoclypical demons and monsters, he will refer to all the books written by man to prove that there are such things..nobody wants to think straight..
now mmc...
- From: pt (@
on: Mon Aug 12 05:18:53
Many people ask me how a preacher or priest in Christianity can ever go to Islam, especially considering all the negative things that we hear about Islam and Muslims everyday. I would like to thank everyone for their interest and offer my humble story, God Willing.
Actually, a very nice Christian gentleman asked me through email why and how I left Christianity for Islam. So this is more or less a copy of the letter that I sent back to him.
The media classifies Muslims as "terrorists," "highjackers" and "kidnappers."
”So why would anyone even look at Islam?”
Why are so many priests and preachers going to Islam?
What happened to this man?
Good question. . . .
How Yusuf Estes [a Jew] Came to Islam:
- From: visu (@
on: Mon Aug 12 05:34:53
why many ask questions to u bcos....
man biting a dog IS NEWS!
dog biting a man is not.
- From: NG (@
on: Mon Aug 12 07:22:23
Dear MMC, Ref your posting;
"why women are not allowed to pray to Allah side by side in mosques???"
Women not allowed to "mix-up" with people other than their relatives NOT only in ISLAM but all other religions exists today BECAUSE of moral reasons. If it happens today in any of religions, it is not as per their religion but due to divertion from its basics.
Women are allowed to pray in mosques, prayer halls together with one Imam (one who leads the prayer) with men all together BUT not with mixed-up, i.e. not by side by side. The Prophet (pbuh) is the guide of Muslims, who taught to do prayers in Mosques; according to his practice and guidance men stands in first raws, then children and then women; however today most of mosques provide separate area to gather women for prayers. However, women pray at home with fathers, hubands, brothers and close-relatives side by side even it allowed in mosques when they do this alone.
"a women's witness is only half valid in Islamic law"
It is true that women witness is considered as half; but it not degrades her. There is no any other religion grants the female with authority and preference than Islam; if your claim is sincere, I suggest to compare it. Don't look what 'modern' women obtained as their rights, our discussion here is based on religion and it is only "ISLAM" gave full rights for women BEFORE 1423 years back where women are considered similar to 'animals'; look Talmud (jewish scriptures) and even look into your 'own' Indian history, less than 100 years back women are not allowed to cover their breasts in Kerala which stoped by Grate Tippu Sultan when he got chance to pass through Kerala. And read so called hindu holy books you will find what is the status they given to women. Again I suggest don't look what women in India entertaining as their rights today, our discussion is based on 'religious' platform.
Dear, it is time to learn, reason and understand Islam, the real guidance for mankind from our Lord, if you opt to accept/reject it is your own responsibility.
"why women doesnt become Mullahs and Moulvis???"
What you mean by Mullah and Moulavis? There is no problem for a women being a great religious scholar or such position. However being a religous Imam (like one who lead the prayers) it doesn't allow SIMILAR to other religions. You don't found a women PASTOR nor a PRIEST who is a lady either in Hindu & Christian religions, you don't find a AVTHAR or PROPHET/MESSENGER in Christianity! That is God's own choice not ours.
In Hinduism, EVEN you don't find a comman 'man' as priest than a BRAHMIN !! In Islam anyone can be a Imam, only need to educate in certain religious readings.. The majority of Indian muslims today are from un-touchables, lower castes earlier; many of them became scholars and imams or relgious leaders in India. It you will see only in Islam, even in Christianity the un-touchables and lower castes are still hold the same stands where the Christianity call for the reservations for them BUT in Islam, you don't find this kind caste system remains.
Being a opponant of Islam, I suggest my brotheren to be honest and sincere to our posting than just copying.. Surely we will appear before our Creature and subject to His judgement based on our given wisdom and learning power.
- From: Jimmy Nahlous (@
on: Mon Aug 2 02:12:23
Did Will Smith Convert To Muslim?????
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