Salaray hike for MLA's and MP's

Topic started by Nelson (@ on Sun Jun 29 14:55:29 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dear Friends,

Does anyone know what the current salaries are for MLAs and MPs? If I remember correctly, the MLAs get around 9,000 rupees per month.

I am of the opinion that their salaries should be hiked significantly, so that more professionals will get into politics. Politics, I think, shouldn't be left only to the hardcore politicians.

Former Primer Minister of Singapore Mr. Lee Kuan Yee, who single handedly transformed the city/state into a modern nation within a short span of 30 years, implemented such a thing for his legislators when he took office. It seems to work there. Do you think it will work in Tamil Nadu/India?

Yes. We know that the MLAs and MPs periodically vote themselves to a higher salary. But here is the catch. So as they don't become self-serving, we have to amend the rules such that any salary hikes will come into effective only after the next elections.

What else can be done to bring in more competent people into the legislature? What do you think is a reasonable salary for MLAs and MPs?

Well paid legislators are likely to be less corrupt. What do you all think?



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