Fire accident at Erwadi...

Topic started by Vishvesh Obla (@ on Tue Aug 7 11:08:19 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The fire accident in a mental asylum at Ervadi, Ramnad, Tamilnadu, is one of the most horrible accidents in the recent years. To know that 25 mentally ill patients were burned alive with their legs chained is such a shock that your mind gets numb and paralysed. Dinamalar has published some pictures and I couldn’t do anything for an hour after seeing them. I have worked in most places in Ramnad district as a pharmaceutical marketing person and I know the backwardness of that entire district. This place Erwadi was famous for its locally run mental asylums, most of which were no way related with medical practices. Even allopathic medical practice there is run very shamefully. Lots of reasons are figured out now for the accident and lots of criticism aired after this tragic incident. It is so painful to see that we need such an accident to realize how sub standard life in such backward areas have become and it is much more painful to see that the hubbub created is only ephemeral and things go back to their earlier state sooner or later.


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