Men/Women Brain wiring
Topic started by Perelman (@ on Thu Oct 2 12:17:00 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
A test to find out your brain wiring...
Brain Wiring Test
- From: :) (@
on: Thu Oct 2 13:09:09 EDT 2003
very interesting! thanks for hte link.
- From: Shakthi (@
on: Thu Oct 2 13:27:34 EDT 2003
i have masculine brain wiring...hahahaha
- From: :) (@
on: Thu Oct 2 13:49:15 EDT 2003
i got a 250, does that make me birdbrained :))
- From: female (@
on: Thu Oct 2 14:15:49 EDT 2003
Intersting stuff:
You have scored 65. You have a Masculine brain wiring
Analysing the Result
Most males will score between 0 - 180 and most females, 150 - 300. Brains that are 'wired' for mainly masculine thinking usually score below 150. The closer to 0 they are, the more masculine they are, and the higher their testosterone level is likely to be. These people demonstrate strong logical, analytical and verbal skills and tend to be disciplined and well-organised. The closer to 0 they score, the better they are at projecting costs and planning outcomes for statistical data, with their emotions hardly influencing them at all. Scores in the minus range are high masculine scores. These scores show that large amounts of testosterone were present in the early stages of the foetal development.
The lower the score for a woman, the more likely she will be to have lesbian tendencies. Brains that are wired for mainly feminine thinking will score higher than 180. The higher the number, the more feminine the brain will be, and the more likely the person is to demonstrate significant creative, artistic and musical talents. They will make more of their decisions on intuition or gut feeling, and are good at recognising problems using minimal data. They are also good at solving problems using creativity and insight. The higher the score is above 180 for a man, the greater the chance he will be gay. Males who score below 0 and women who score above 300 have brains that are wired so oppositely that the only thing they are likely to have in common is that they live on the same planet!
Scores between 150 - 180 show compatibility of thought for both sexes, or a foot in both sexual camps. These people do not show a bias for either male or female thinking and usually demonstrate a flexibility in thinking that can be a significant advantage to any group who are going through a problem-solving process. They have the predisposition to make friends with both men and women.
- From: Female (@
on: Thu Oct 2 14:19:55 EDT 2003
I don't think I have lenbian tendencies
- From: Female (@
on: Thu Oct 2 14:27:49 EDT 2003
>>more masculine they are, and the higher their testosterone level <<
I don't think these apply ether. The rest, yes.
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