Intense fetish for nose stud

Topic started by Vinod Mathew (@ on Thu Dec 13 08:19:45 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am 26. A businessman. I have intense fetish for nosestud that it has become an obsession. It is the nose stud of a good looking girl that really attracts me. I get turned on. I have intense desire to pierce my nose and wear nose stud. It is fashion with men also in west. In India also I have heard it is catching on. But I am tensed to go ahead and get my nose pierced. I want a feed back of people's possible reaction. Readers kindly answer the following question and help me decide.
1. What would be your reaction if you see a man wearing nose stud. Would you still do business with him?
2. What would you do if some body closer to you wore a nose stud?
3. If you are a woman would you still like a man who wears a nose stud and marry him?
4. Any woman whose husband is a nose stud fetish? How do you manage your marriage?
5. If you are a nose stud fetish, do you have a desire like me to peirce your nose and wear nose stud? how do you cope with your desires?
6. If you are a nose stud fetish and married, did you tell your wife about it before marriage? If not does she know?
Please, Please help me with your response. Please donot sneer at me. I can't help my fetishism..


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