Should GADAR be banned?

Topic started by Amitabh (@ on Tue Jun 26 17:22:24 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I posted this topic in Films too but really donot know where it belongs.

It is being demanded nowadays that GADAR should be banned because of some objectionable scenes in the movie. Some examples that I read are :
1. A Muslim girl has been shown reading Namaz wearing Sindoor.
2. The Muslim girl has been shown renouncing her religion to marry a Sikh
3. There has been too many Anti-Pak dialogues.

Has anybody seen this movie and comment on that.

I am specially bothered about the 3rd point where a Muslim League( India) leader mentioned to that the Anti-Pak tone in the movie should have been toned down keeping in mind the Muslims of our country. Doesn't this clearly mean that Muslims like this person live in India but care more about Pakistan? Isn't this clearly Anti-nationalism?


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