Jayalalitha's court cases

Topic started by Mani M. Manivannan on Mon Feb 14 18:28:18 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The verdict against one of the accused in the disproportionate wealth case is expected tomorrow.


If this guy is convicted, there won't be any riots on the streets; but it might indicate that JJ's may end up with a similar fate. Hopefully, the police would be better prepared to handle any attempt by JJ's supporters to riot.

Besides these, if JJ is convicted and ends up going to jail and Lallu, Narasimha Rao, Advani and other luminaries actually face the music, won't it send a message to the political and administrative classes that their party is over? But I doubt if that would happen. And that would be an even stronger message to the political class - even if you get caught and sentenced, you still don't spend time in the jail and you get to keep the money - well that is an invitation to rob the people blind. And if the people still elect those robbers, the deserve what they get


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