A muslim man answer all types of question about Islam. The question is raised by non-muslims.
Topic started by ASM (@ occe4.156ce.singa.pore.net) on Mon Nov 19 23:05:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
A forum was organised by muslim community to elaborate and brief about Islam to non-muslims. Only non-muslims are allowed to make query with regard to Islam. Some of the video clips are attached for your information:
Why is Allah hiding?
Is it right to give Salmon Rushdie death sentence?
Can we make a society without a God?
Why do muslims does not enter Hindu temples?
Why do muslims are always against the normal activities?
Why don't Islam empahazise on vegetarian?
A question by Hindu Preist
- From: Wise Man (@ ppp-185-29.bng.vsnl.net.in)
on: Tue Nov 20 00:26:01
A L L F U C K I N G B U L L !!!
- From: ASM (@ occe4.156ce.singa.pore.net)
on: Tue Nov 20 21:19:09
Wise Man, don't comment without seeing the video clip.
- From: Fasih Ullah (@ )
on: Sun Jan 5 06:39:54
This site is really wounderful and exciting over all question answered specially for Pakistani people have made different types of questions in their mind,
Fasih Ullah
- From: AlwaysRight (@
on: Sun Jan 5 07:46:08
//Topic started by ASM (@ occe4.156ce.singa.pore.net) on Mon Nov 19 23:05:57
...Only non-muslims are allowed to make query with regard to Islam//
//From: Fasih Ullah (@ ) on: Sun Jan 5 06:39:54
This site is really wounderful and exciting over all question answered specially for Pakistani people have made different types of questions in their mind, //
OIC...so pakistanis are non-muslims..?! Greeeeeeeeeeeeeat..!!
By the way, why they dont allow a muslim to raise a question about his own religion?! No answers?!
- From: dalitvoice (@ monash.singnet.com.sg)
on: Mon Jan 6 02:14:55
Always Wrong,
By born, none will be knowing their language, culture, religion and anything in the world.
They need to learn everything from others only. That is the nature of human being.
Dont ask this type of stupid questions in future. Do you know everything about Hinduism?
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