Please lend your support to MicroCredit NGOs

Topic started by Srini (@ on Tue May 1 03:03:54 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dear Friends:

There was a thread "Who wants to do something for the country" by Hemant-UK and somehow it got lost.

Well, there are countless ways to do something.. and our views could vary. However, I guess most of us would agree to doing something by which "people could help themselves"' by a small amount of contribution.

Many of you may have come across the good work being done by Mr.Mohammed Yunus in Bangaldesh. I recently came across the following site which is found on similar lines: Thomas Friedman refers to this site in his book "The Lexus and the Olive tree". It's located out of France and the default home page is in French..but you can switch to Angalis version from there and find out details.

There is apparently one good micro credit project being supported by planetfinance in North East India. We can also use this opportunity to lend our arm to NE India which incidentally is by and large ignored by mainstream Indians for too long.

Thanks for your response.


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