"Sophistication" among Chennaiites...

Topic started by Vijay (@ acb5beee.ipt.aol.com) on Fri May 10 17:21:09 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I think many of us lesser mortals, i.e. non-Chennaiites would have been struck by their attitudes... I mean their sophistication... they're always one step ahead of the rest of Tamil Nadu... They're more refined in their manners, they stick to English as much as possible, even when they speak Tamil, it is with an English accent... they listen to English music, even Hindi music, but never to Tamil music... even when they do watch a Tamil film, it's a Mani Rathnam film... they're not to be seen without mobile phones, they're cynics, they're just... sophisticated!
Do you like that attitude? Or does it get on your nerves? As for me, sometimes I find it irritating, their "I'm better than you" attitude, but at other times, I wonder if I'm simply being envious of their confidence and charm...
What's your opinion?


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