Science Development - Constructive or Destructive
Topic started by Raja (@ on Wed May 16 00:45:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
With the Current Science development in all the fields, taking human life in construcive way or destructive way?
- From: sikha (@
on: Sun Apr 28 14:46:16
hey there ...could i get some info on the destruction science and technology have brought about in the recent years ??? it's for my 11th grade project !!
pleez help !
- From: pradeep (@
on: Sun Apr 28 14:59:45
Constructively destructive
- From: Nisala (@
on: Sun Apr 28 21:52:59
In my opinion, there is no such thing as taking human life in a 'constructive' way. Even the execution of a murderer is a waste of life (that the murderer had wasted his own life).
Hmm.. you could've meant 'taking life' not meaning 'killing.' In that case, if I had to choose between scientific advancement and stagnation, I would choose advancement without a doubt. Choosing stagnation is a choice that psychologically reveals that you don't trust yourself with something new like scientific breakthroughs. It is a sign of no self-esteem.
It is only one who can take responsibility for his own actions who will look forward to meeting new challenges, whatever they may be.
- From: Prof. Tony (@
on: Mon Apr 29 17:26:09
God created man and woman to live in a happy way with natures resources. Man invented science and it is for his own life and death. Unimaginable discoveries will definitely make human life more and more constructive and parellelly destructive science also will grow. So man create anti-man. More destructive weapons and bombs yet to come. In 2042 world will see a continuous chain reaction of nuclear bomb explotions throughout the world. which will result in a few lakh human beings left alive on earth. Till then science development both destructive and contructive will continue very fast. So a time will come to understand how stupid human science development.
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