The anthrax letter clues

Topic started by Nagarajan (@ on Sat Oct 27 06:49:55 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Some possible clues about the origin of the letters.. the text is as follows



Take penacilin now

let me try to do some guess work
- Penicillin is not the most common antibiotic in US, Europe etc. Even in India I think it is not used widely as many people are allergic and there are many side effects. Also some bacteria have become resistant to it. So one clue would be that a country where this drug is still used. (how about Pakistan :-))

- The spelling "Pena..". Should show some clues to the accent. Can anyone juggle their memories to remember how different people pronounce it?

- The spelling could not be delibrate as it is misspelled in two places the "a" and the "ll".

- The "E" in ISRAEL looks like a pound sterling, this could mean the person could have been in UK for some time.

- The "A" in Allah has been overwritten twice. This shows that the writer is a muslim and not someone who is impersonating.

- The "G" in Great looks more like a 6 than G.

- The date format is 09-11-01. The "1" are written properly instead of a single strike without head or tail.

so some conclusions

- It is written by someone who is in America but is not a native english speaker
- Comes from a country where penicillin is still used to treat human beings
- or could be a person familiar with vetinary medice
- he/she stayed in the UK for some time


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