Topic started by Bala Pillai (@ on Tue Jul 17 04:22:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Think of how the world will be ten years from now. A wired world. Halls without walls. Much of the technical problems with the net and broadband are solved (just like TV now). International conversation is as cheap as local conversation. Wireless is everywhere. Pressure has finally succumbed and the villages in Tamilnadu are also wirelessed.
People have figured out that brains and the output of brains are worth more than the price of a computer and ongoing wireless charges. So villages become attractive locations as telecottage service hubs. Many fed up with city life go into the larger villages. Tamils in Tamilnadu have wired themselves with Tamils overseas. Overseas Tamils act as trade ambassadors.
With all the technical problems solved, communications becomes a problem. People are misunderstanding each other because they are not good in any language. Or they have stage fright. Or they have weak interpersonal skills. Or weak conflict resolution skills. Many think that between Tamil and English, Tamils are better at having themselves better understood in Tamil
There is a great demand for services. But the jobs require networking skills - ability to
communicate; to influence; to take risks; to work in groups; to resolve
conflicts amicably; self-confidence; a life-long learning orientation; the
ability to research information and synthesise it, to motivate people.
What kinds of jobs will be created? Tamil writers for Tamil diaspora
magazines, Tamil public relations experts, Tamil online producers, Tamil
online marketers, Tamil sales people, Tamil financial professionals, Tamils
who bridge the online and offline world, Tamil wordsmiths, Tamil researchers
who understand English and Tamil, Tamils who bridge the Tamil world with the
non-Tamil world, diaspora Tamils who act as trade ambassadors for in-country Tamil service producers, Tamil historical tourist guides, Tamil nature tourist guides, Tamil online tutors.
Besides these, what other jobs do you think would be hot in 10 years time?
How do you think we can prepare for them?
- From: Siby (@
on: Tue Jul 17 04:30:17
Will there be no jobs for non-Tamils?
- From: Srini (@
on: Tue Jul 17 05:06:34
I think Bala is trying to focus on a small 'sample' in TN and I am sure it will be applicable to all other places as well.
I guess you are grossly underestimating the propensity of AI, Robotics, Nanotechnology in rendering manual labor useless in many spheres of manufacturing/ service industry. Here would like the actual challenge for Populous nations like India, China Indonesia etc.
- From: Bala Pillai (@
on: Tue Jul 17 23:54:04
Siby - yes I am focusing on Tamils. Most certainly there would be jobs for others.
My base position is this -- if the animals in the ecosystem, take ants for example, for the most part have no problems with food and shelter, why should Man?
Tamil hall without walls
- From: Bala Pillai (@
on: Wed Jul 18 00:09:20
"I guess you are grossly underestimating the propensity of AI, Robotics, Nanotechnology in rendering manual labor useless in many spheres of manufacturing/ service industry"
I disagree that I have underestimated. That's why you will see me directing our minds to the heart of the service sector (as contrasted with say services allied to manufacturing sector).
Try coming at it from this angle. In descending order of importance, what are the jobs that cannot be replaced by computers?
Some thoughts. Uncontrived:-
a) Humour
b) Dreaming
c) Love
d) Motivation
e) Sense of togetherness
f) Semiotics
g) Entertain
h) "Super" creativity
i) Smell
j) Warmth (_/\_ etc)
k) Hospitality
l) Struggle
m) Art
Don't forget the operative word above "contrived", otherwise we'll start tinkering at the edges.
I have taken into account Technology, that's why you will find that most of the jobs I have listed are heavy on the (a) to (j) attributes.
p.s. I sent an email to you at and it bounced - can you email me your new email address?
Tamil hall without walls
- From: Srini (@
on: Wed Jul 18 01:27:55
I understand now. At the first glance it almost read like you were taking economic progress as a 'given'.
I am actually more concerned about the following issues that may have relevance in the way Tamils move forward, though bearing no semblance to economy, directly:
1) Excessive importance given to non-issues
On one hand, when I see the crowd that attend Arattai Arangam, Patukku Pattu or other PattiMandrams I feel proud about the relatively better egalitarianism and democratic means entrenched in Tamil society. On the other hand, I also feel confused that if such activities occupy so much of mind-share where is the time to think of becoming a zero-tolerant electorate or in producing adequare entrepreneurs.
2) Excessive inter-family marriage:
It is one of my humble opinions that Tamils inter-marry (within the family) quite a lot and this is doing no good in terms of improving the looks/ physique. I am sure you would agree that Tamils in Singapore/ SL look better and are perhaps more healthy too. I don't know of SL but whatever little I see in S'pore sugessts that marrying patters of Tamil have indeed done quite some good. Skin colour has never mattered in enhancing or belittling beauty. I feel that the day Tamil audience is 'inherently' satisfied with heroines and models who look much like themselves will herald the coming of much needed self-esteem and self-confidence. I am not playing the card of us vs. rest etc. I am just saying that the day when most Tamil girls look like Ranjitha or most Tamil guys look like Sharatkumar/ Vijaykant it's better for Tamils as a community. Vadivelus and Muralis under the perpetual craving for better looking counterparts do not add to self-worth.
Well the above two points were not directly related with Jobs though I felt it will matter a lot in enhancing competitiveness.
As for jobs/economy:
1) Marketing of Biodiversity, Eco-tourism (a la conversion of Pichavaram Mangroves like Sentosa of Singapore)
2) Advancement in Leather technology and garnering a significant % of lost trade to China
3) Epicentre of Karate learning and championship and the resultant training industry
4) Water Works Management: TN is always starved of water - not only for drinking, but for irrigation. As future wars over cauvery can only get worse, there should be decreased dependece on it with each passing year. I learn that there is very little improvement in terms of water bodies creation and their management. In future some forward looking CM would invent a totally autononous and efficient quasi-govt. body that attracts the best Civil engineers to undertake this task, and it will draw upon the best engg. brains for a sustained period
5) Food Processing industry: Even if China is able to outperfom in terms of cost of production the logistics involved in say transporting mangoes from Salem to anywhere else will be prohibitive to other regions achieving lower total cost. TN should attract worldclass players into agro-tech industry and ensure that plantation workers thus earn a sustained good standard of living.
The above may sound more applicable to TN rather than Tamils the worldover. Actually, besides some worry about the spate of Tamils in Malaysia and Gulf, I am more bothered about Tamils in TN since that's their alma mater, and that's where scope for improvements are more.
More of my opinions to follow yours/others'
Please note my correct email id from the link. It's rsrini and not srini. Thanks.
- From: Bala Pillai (@
on: Sun Aug 29 22:53:22
Time to resuscitate this discussion
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