Cataract Eye Surgery

Topic started by Jog (@ on Wed Jun 11 11:05:45 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I used to be highly myopic from childhood and at one point of time wore glasses/contact lenses with power as high as -14. 2 years back when I went for an eye checkup I came to know that I had cataract in both eyes. That was when I decided to go for IOL surgery on both eyes. Post-surgery, my vision is perfectly normal and I don't need to wear any glasses or CLs. It was like a new life for me - living without the aid of glasses or CLs. This surgery is usually administered only on aged people (I'm 27 now) so initially I was a lot reluctuant to go for it. But as of now I feel I have made a good decision.

I would like to know about the experiences of the others in this forum.


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