Chennai Traffic police most corrupted among all metros

Topic started by Murali (@ on Thu Oct 16 14:07:44 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Chennai Traffic police most corrupted among all metros:

Chennai Traffic police ismost corrupted among all the metros. When I visited Bombay Ifound traffic is more systematic and accidents are very few. But in Madras there are nothing less than 20 accidents out of which some are fatal. This is all due to:

1) non-implementation of Law by police
2) you can break signals , lanes pay just 10-50Rs to police and get away.
3) Many big shots and influential are let out because they are related to officials.
4) if you break the signal just say I know police commissioner or my father is IAS you will be let out even if there is no genuinity in your claim.
5) Just carry a visiting card of top official and you are not binding by any road rules
6) Govt vehicles are given more power and freedom on the road by alloting them "G" in the registration which is cause for many accidents. Such vehicles knows no road rules.
7) many people just use small 'G' on their number plate and no body will dare to stop you, even if you fake never mind.
8) autorickshawas are given special privelege as most of police are having tie up with them.
9) Easy availability of liquor in Chennai, Every second driver is drunk in night . I have seen many costables are drunk and sitting in the police station on duty.
10) Most of the constables are making excuses to make the challan and will indulge in knowing your family history after keeping the key in pocket, instead they can book the case and immediately challan the defaulter. But we are asked to wait till sargent comes , but he never comes and we are forced to wait for as long as he wants and finally bribe and get away. Even sargents show their inability to make challan and if we argue our punishments multiplied by forging many more defaults in challan and amount increases.

12) Tow away vehicles are only collection vehicles who does nothing excepting making money from the parked vehicles. I have seen few cases where an assistance of tow away vehicle willpull himself some two wheelers and keep it in non-parking zone and within few minutes all those vehicles will be pretended to be lifted and squeeze money out of owners.

Tell me now why so many accidents?
Why road laws are often broken and sold?
Road rules are only meant for people who have no links , contacts and if they are private individual. No govt vehicle is touched.

State transport buses are involved in major accidents as there is not much of punishment for those drivers involved.

We can infer from above points as why we have many road accidents. Friend of mine who is in Hongkong says he has never seen a single accident in last 10 years of his stay there,I belive people in Hk can be more restless to break the rules to meet their schedule, deadlines more than India, but there law works and here it is sold out by our corrupt govt machinery.



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