Guyanese Hindu customs

Topic started by Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@ on Tue Mar 16 18:43:11 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

To all Guyanese on FH:

Please can you tell me when/where all the unique practices of Guyanese Hindus came about?

ie: hawan, chowtaal, phagwa

The unique way in which Guyanese chant mantras, some hawan practices ie: rubbing water on the hands and holding them out towards the hawan fire, and so on.

Maybe someone can post for me the lyrics of bhajans/mantras sung during a traditional Guyanese Hindu hawan service.

These practices are quite new to me and I am interested to understand more on this. Thank you! Jai Matha Ji!


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