Adinocarcinoma - I want details.
Topic started by Sriram. (@ on Sat Dec 8 03:40:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear all,
One of my relative is suffering severe adinocarcinoma, and the prognosis is weak. I would like to know more details and if possible whether we can cure him. More details will be given as I get replies. Thanks.
- From: Renee (@
on: Sun Dec 1 21:41:40
My mother also has adinocarcinoma, at least stage 2. Maybe stage 3 we don't know yet. It was found in her lung, has affected her lymph nodes. Half of her left lung was removed. Radiation is out because the lung and 1/2 remaining is affected with emphizema. Her lungs are not strong enough to withstand radiation.
On friday Dec. 6 we will find out about exparimental type of procedures that might help her.
Please let me know what you have found out so far. I will let you know what the Dr. says next Friday.
- From: holly (@
on: Sat Dec 7 01:50:23
my beloved cat may be diagnosed with this disease, (I'll find out next week for certain.) I've been told that this is not amenable for treatment in cats. Any ideas?
- From: son-of-a-late-cancer-patient (@
on: Sat Dec 7 13:01:59
don't make fun of suffering people and their relatives! If you can help do it, else just keep shut!
- From: Renee (@
on: Sun Dec 15 01:14:03
My mother did not qualify for experamental procedures. She has stage three adinocarcinoma. The Doc will try radition since her lymph nodes are also affected. The Doc belives that he has taken out all of the affected lymph nodes, it's just a pre-caution. He now feels that her lung and a half can withstand the radition, since there is no other chance.
Holly, please do not equate your cat to my Mother. I have four cats, I love my cats but lets be real!!! I would never consider one of my cats the way I would consider a human. To do so is a huge disrespect for humans. Get on the animal chat line.
- From: Ramadas (@
on: Sun Dec 15 02:20:35
I am surely praying for your mother to get well quick! Do not leave out Prayer from the course of treatment.
- From: pharmacist (@
on: Wed Dec 25 14:04:44
Do not waste your time looking for answers in places like these(forumhub). Try and get the information yourself. Try for the start. Make your doctor do the research for you.
- From: lee (@
on: Thu Jan 30 00:02:30
PLEASE, I need some answers about adinocarcinoma of lung. My fater was dignosed in the left lung, 4 cm, 3 weeks ago they removed the lower left lobe and took out 8 lymph nodes, were told 4 of the 8 are positive, he also has complete renal falier since the surgery. My question is this: should he be getting treaments of chemo or radiation since it was discovered in the nodes ? the dr says the kidneys is first priorty and has started him on dialysis 3 times a week. Since it is in the nodes does this mean the cancer has spread to other parts of the body ? or what does it mean ? Please email me directly at Thanks to all who replys and god bless all of you
- From: ec (@
on: Thu Jan 30 18:09:17
I find this page to give more information on any health issues :
The correct spelling is adenocarcinoma (ade instead of adi). Hope this helps you all.
- From: Raji (@
on: Fri Feb 7 21:46:52
My Dad had adenocarcinoma of the stomach in 1980 when he was 54. In the surgery that ensued, his stomach was reduced to 40% of his size. He underwent Chemo at TATA (in Bombay) and the drug at that time was 5FU.(5-Fluorouracil) He lived for 16 years and was completely cured of the cancer. It was a stroke that killed him. My husband's grandmother in CBE had adenocarcinoma of the colon when she was 70. She is still alive and well at 80 although quite frail. She sustained the chemo well. Can't recall the exact drug cocktail used.
Just as bit of information, it is a known fact (I can point out to the journal article to those interested, dont know it offhand)that allylsulfide ,one of the components of garlic is known to cure adenocarcinoma of the colon. A clove of garlic daily is therefore recommended.
- From: Suzanne Beaudoin (@
on: Wed Mar 5 07:19:59
All of you who criticized Holly for saying her cat has cancer are missing the point. She did not equate her cat with any person. She just stated she loves her cat which does not negate her feelings for people. So don't get so huffy.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Wed Mar 5 07:42:49
I will pray for your mother to get well, in the mean time, u can try this link
- From: drugman (@
on: Wed Mar 5 12:01:08
You father might have Stage IV advanced lung cancer. For more information please visit
" target="_top">">
Hope your father gets well!
- From: drugman (@
on: Wed Mar 5 12:12:44
Cancer" target="_top">">Cancer info
- From: lisa bailey (@
on: Fri Mar 7 10:37:54
I was just notified that my grandfather has this. He is in stage 4 and there is nothing else they can do. He has weeks left and I dont know how to deal with this. Please does anyone have more info on this. Is it hereditary?
- From: jeannie (@
on: Sun May 25 00:20:54
My mother was just recently diagnosed with this type of cancer. After taking biopsies, we were informed that it had originated in the lungs, but at this point it has spread to the bones, lymph nodes, liver and spleen. We are unsure if there are any treatment options. I am really scared for her. Please let me know of anything that could possibly help. My prayers are with all of you who have families with illnesses.
- From: Hari Kumar.K (@
on: Sat Aug 30 03:36:46
My father is sufferng from adinocarcinoma
The tumoour is having a development of 6 cm
in the left lung. also the tissues affected entirely in the left lung
In Fact he is a Pharmacisist and not able to identify the time of growth of this cancer.
all other things he himself able to find the this case. he was not able to understand himself the growth
The doctor says it might have developed in last what u suggest to do further on this
I expect a speedy recovery as well as what treatment to be given
What exactly the best medicine for this
Could u pls suggest on this
As we consulted doctor all the medcine and treatment for this identical in all the places
like chemoterapy and radiation,currently chemoterapy is going injection is finished
on chemoterapy .futher we take medicines from doctor
awaiting ur reply
Hari Kumar. K
- From: priya (@
on: Sat Aug 30 04:28:32 EDT 2003
To Suzanne..
so what if holly loves his/her cat?? this is not the place to discuss it.. u mean to say that, the pain holly has(!!) and what these people have are same?? if u say 'yes'.. i don't know where to categorise people like u and holly...
there is a saying in tamil.. "udhavi pannatalum paravala ubadram pannama irundha porum".. means.. no matter if u can't help atleast don't cause any trouble..
if u can't say some caring words to these people.. forget it.. atleast don't give such statements and hurt them more..
- From: goodmate (@
on: Mon Sep 1 17:43:32 EDT 2003
dear friends
i think both sriram and holly care about their beloved ones and thats why they asked.sriram wants to know how to tackle the disease in a fellowbeing.while holly is here coz she might have been pained by suspected symptom in her cat.nobody will write any thing to hurt anyone's sentiments especially in a situation like this.ihope u guys understand.
- From: drugman (@
on: Mon Sep 1 22:38:28 EDT 2003
Dear Harikumar,
Cancer therapy is complex and is best done by a team of specialists and health care professionals. If you have consulted a few professionals and specialists and they all give you the same answer, it is better to do what they ask you to do. The outcome of therapy depends on multiple factors such as the stage of the cancer, the type of therapy, your father's health condition prior to therapy etc.
I can only tell you about some of the recent chemotherapy combinations that are used for advanced non small cell lung cancer that have been proven to be beneficial. Choosing the right theropy is best if left with your oncologist (cancer specialist).
1. Cisplatin and paclitaxel
2. Cisplatin and gemcitabine
3. Cisplatin and docetaxel
4. Carboplatin and paclitaxel
One of the above combinations are commonly used with radiation therapy and/or surgery.
For more information visit and locate information for non small cell lung cancer.
Hope this helps!
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