Terrorist attacks on US
Topic started by Sridhar (@ dialup-226-36.bol.net.in) on Tue Sep 11 12:13:07 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
It's unbelievable.The terrorist attacks on the two US cities is beyond reason and logic of any sane person.That things like NMD,SALT can do nothing against these types of attacks has been made clear.Do these people realise among the innocents there will be people of their own religion.One think is clear.Terrorism knows no ideology,no race, no religion.It's just a tool used by cowards to achieve their 'aims' by targeting innocent people.
- Old responses
- From: mish (@ sspis100.sp.edu.sg)
on: Fri Jan 25 00:03:19
so u guys are trying to say that there is no peace on earth bcos of muslims only huh..oh please wake up and look around the world as to what's happening before u make such a statment..
don't u think that muslims are being treated unfairly..u guys only see one side of the issue and make a judgment...all u guys know that muslims attack others..but are they the ones who start the whole issue first...
pls don't say that muslims should rethink and redesign the religion...would u like it if others make that statment to u...bear in mind that not ALL MUSLIMS are betrayers just bcos of some people's actions...get it..it doesn't matter as to which religion or race one is...we should all promote peace and harmony in this world..
- From: S H IT K I C K E R (@ ptil-134-144-ban.primus-india.net)
on: Fri Jan 25 12:28:36
What I want to ask is why is it that Muslims are only looking at injustice done to other muslims in otherparts of the world.
Why dont you MUSLIMS address the problems of PEOPLE in other parts of the world irrespective of whether they are MUSLIMS or not.
You're only pre-occupation with so called injustice towards MUSLIMS shows you're narrow mined thinking. You are a bunch of narrow-minded fanatic beings trying to justify your terrorist mindset to suit your point of view. Has any MUSLIM of any national standing ever stood up and denounced terroirism or distructive ISLAMIC thought that is so obvious and rampant nowadays.
- From: indio (@ brf-ppp1-226.arc.net.my)
on: Fri Jan 25 21:41:45
S H I T K I C K E R,
glad to have u back
- From: S H I T K I C K E R (@ ptil-134-144-ban.primus-india.net)
on: Sat Jan 26 01:23:25
Thanx Indio!
- From: e (@ ac9b0f29.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Jan 26 12:43:57
but all these "innocent" muslims dont seem to be denouncing these terrorists. they all support them for their cause no matter what atrocities they do. i dont know if that fits u or not. even if it dont, i couldnt care less
- From: jibu (@ dialpool-210-214-22-207.maa.sify.net)
on: Thu Jan 31 01:33:50
i whant photos of st.terasas sexy girls
- From: e (@ acac1c50.ipt.aol.com)
on: Thu Jan 31 19:34:45
" ..oh please wake up and look around the world as to what's happening before u make such a statment.. " uh,......i did look around, y dont U look again?
"religion...would u like it if others make that statment to u..."- they dont have to.....
- From: chanakya (@ ip68-9-25-156.ri.ri.cox.net)
on: Sun Feb 3 16:26:59
those who bash islam ought to lok at their own faith--are they innocent? no. why are dalits being terrorized in the name of hindus gods and rituals everyday? on repubic day a dalit woman was gangraped by militant hindus in rajasthan;now does that mean all hindus are bad? NO. S same applies to Muslims too! stop hatred, and start understanding the world beyond the nonsense in the pro-hindutvadi media.
- From: Courtney S. (@ mtrs216-190ppp41.epix.net)
on: Mon Feb 4 14:48:50
Hey I am Courtney and I live in Montrose Pennsylvania. I live near the border of New York. It touched me really deep inside. Knowing that September 11 Isn't only my birthday it is also known as 911. My dad is in the military. At this point right now he is in Saudi Arabia. On September 11 my dad was on lock down in Maryland on Fort Meade base. He knew lots of people in the Pentagon and so did the rest of my family. My dad said not only did he see his friends cry but also they grew stronger they didn't care if they were on lock down they wanted to get out and hurt the terroist like they have never been before. He wanted to put an end to this. I know that alot of people are scared I would like to ask them not to be, they shouldn't be thinking about them selfs. They should be thinking about the people who lost thier lives especially the ones who died saving others. I wish I was 18 because I will do any thing to win this war. I turned 15 on the 11 but I didn't care about that I wanted to be with my family or just kicking some butt. There was a little boy in the twin towers whos birthday was sep 11, he died at the age of 5. I think every one should think and pray for others including them selfs.
- From: neha (@ ptil-8-128-del.primus-india.net)
on: Tue Feb 12 13:21:50
walked in here after a while i guess. nothing changes.
- From: Gods slave (@ bl1051-3.me.iastate.edu)
on: Wed Feb 13 02:41:02
Try to see Jesus not in the christian view point but from a humanitarian viewpoint.
If some bodys tell me that the most perfect creation of God in terms of moral, spiritual and superhuman qualities were Jesus of Nazareth, then I am with him.
See his life for example. A man who was honest to his word, loving to both the jews and gentiles, always ministering the use of non-violence, the use of love over hatred to win your enemies and higly moral in life.
Now I have a question for the members or viewers of this forum. Can you even compare Jesus with Mohammad. No, not in hells way.
See Mohammad and his qualities. He authorised the use of force to justify whatever he told was true which was in his holy book, Quran.
See his morality. A dirty third rate pig having 13 wives and an unknown number of ladies forcefully kept in his harem becuase it seems his Allah had told him through a verse in quran that he or other muslims can have sex with infidel ladies and do not need to ask their permission for that.
Did he ever say to use non-violence and love to win over evil. He infact tells us through quran (which is infact this mad pschezophrenic guys word and not God almightys) that the passage to heaven lies beneath the blades of the sword whereas Jesus tells us in the Holy Bible, "Those who take the sword will die by the sword". Compare both of them. phooooo....
You dont need to be a christian for understanding the difference between a satanic evil person masquerading as a prophet (Mohammad) and a gentle, loving, non-violent and "real" spiritual person(Jesus).
Let me stop by just reminding the 2 most important commandments which Jesus said was imperative in knowing God.
1. Love your God the almighty with all your strength and might.
2. Love your neighbour like yourself.
When Mohammad was asked the same question (As told in a genuine Hadiz or the sayings of Mohammad) by his followers his reply was,
1. Believe in Allah as the one God (There is no mentioning of loving him)
2. Do Jihad whenever it is deemed approppriate.
We can understand the fullness of this when we see the Sepetmeber 11 attacks, Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya or wherever there is violence on the part of Muslims to win over an enemy they call as Kafirs (unbelievers).
- From: Gods slave (@ bl1051-3.me.iastate.edu)
on: Wed Feb 13 02:47:59
Guys know this,
Jesus in the holy Bible says that after him will many fake prophets who will be so clever and cunning that it will only be possible for real God believing people to
find out the difference. He also says that they will come in a sheeps clothing to you and cheat you and thereby prevent you from reaching God almighty.
Mohammad was a fake prophet. There is no doubt about that. He was a schizophrenic guy who thought that he was getting revelations from God.
Muslims say that Mohammad told them that he was the most perfect person ever to be created by God. Can you believe such a nonsense when you see that he
married Aisha when she was 6 years old and then started fuc*king her when she was 9 years. Will God almighty sent his most perfect creation or the most
complete human being to have sex with a small 9 year old girl clutching a doll when she went to Mohammads bed when she was 9 years old.
Science has proved beyond doubt that the correct age for sex when a girl develops fully is like around 15 or 16 at the least.
In addition to this Mohammad had 11 or 13 wives and among them was a lady who was actually his adopted sons wife and later married to him.
He also has a lot of ladies in his harem. By the way the ladies in his haram were not muslim ladies but rather jewish, christian and pagan ladies who were
captured during Mohammad notorious raids on unsuspecting caravans and tribes.
If at all there is a true God who is just and loving to all of humanity then there is no doubt that either Mohammad will be in eternal fire or he must have been
punished for his sins to humanity.
These are some websites where Islam as a religion is criticised for its
anti-humanitarian attitudes like killing infidels or non-believers & lot of
other interesting stuff which are told in their holy book Quran & Hadiz's which
are the teachings of Mohammad.
<< http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate/ >>
<< http://www.swordoftruth.com >>
If you want to check a website which gives you a very strong case against Islam
as a religion & why it should be removed from the face of earth, go to this
<< http://www.secularislam.org/links/ >>
<< http://www.answering-islam.org/ >>
Now I will provide you with official Quran websites promoted by Muslims.
<< http://www.umr.edu/~msaumr/Quran/ >>
<< http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/ >>
<< http://www.islam101.com/quran/quranYusuf/quranYusuf.html >>
To know more about Hadiz's which are teachings of Mohammad please go to this
<< http://www.noornet.com/isw/ >>
After going here click on Hadiz on the left of the window to open 4 hadizes. You
can doudle check with both the official websites of Quran & Hadiz to know
whether all criticisms are wrong or not.
Now some interesting things to note. Muslims all over the world say Slavery is
not there in Islam. Please double check that claim with the website,
<< http://www.noornet.com/isw/ >>
Here go to Hadiz first, then go to Sahih Bukhari, then go to,
No.46 : Manumission of Slaves & please read it carefully.
To know about war booty which Muslims get by defeating an infidel country,
go to No.53 : One-fifth of Booty to the Cause of Allah (Khumus)
To know how the prophet used to fondle his wifes breast during their menstrual
periods, please go to,
No:6 : Menstrual Periods
There are lot of other interesting stuff you can read in all the 4 hadizes in
that website.
One final request. Please make it a point that you go through all the
anti-Islamic websites with dedication & double check whether all the things told
there are true or not. Hope you have a wondeful insight into the fastest growing
religion of the world. Amen.
- From: Kate (@ dialup-
on: Fri Feb 22 03:22:44
To 'God's Slave'....i totally agree with everything you said.......i'm a christian and i think what happened on Sep 11 happened for a reason.....HEAPS of ppl have asked me the same question i'm sure milliosn of christians have been asked since Sep 11 - "Why did your God let something as horrible as this happen?"
My answer to them was that He's not going to control us. He's given us all a free will...if Osama Bin Laden wanted to kill all those ppl, then God wasn't going to say "No! You aren't allowed to do that because i said!"
Course not! Then, what would be the point of living??!!
Anyway, that's just my view........Sep 11 was a disaster and i think that it gave this world a huge wake-up call.....HELLO! IF U DIE TODAY, WHERE ARE YOU GONNA BE GOING?!
- From: edd (@
on: Fri Feb 22 06:50:20
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