Topic started by Col. Balraj (@ hse-ottawa-ppp239052.sympatico.ca) on Wed Jun 13 22:44:30 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The constitutions adopted in 1972 by Sirimavo's SLFP government and the unprovoked brutal killing of innocent Tamils in Jaffna in 1974 while they were participating in a cultural function organized by the Sri Lankan unit of the International Tamil Conference convinced them
that the Sinhalese were becoming not only more and more unreasonable but also aggressive in their domineering stance. The Tamils were forced to come to the inevitable conclusion that they will not be permitted to live with honor and dignity or to have equal rights so long as they remain united with the Sinhala majority. So they decided
to form Tamil Eelam, an independent state of their obtained a mandate from the people for liberation in 1977 general election, the militant youth, embittered by the tragic experiences in the past, took up arms to make their home-land free.


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