Ganguly as Captain

Topic started by kumar (@ on Sat Sep 8 10:39:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Does Ganguly deserve to be the captain again? I think yes. But after the dismal performance with bat, I thgt he would opt himself out and concentrate on his batting, like Tendulkar. Other than his bad patch, he is a good captain and has been successful of late. Let us not read much abt the Srilankan series. Hasn't other captains gone thro' this phase !! How abt Steve Waugh, shd he have been dropped after the series loss against India ? Lets hope he comes back victors after the SA tour (wishful thinking, of course). I think he is the most stylish left hand batsman after David Gower. Its a treat to watch when he is on a song. His timing is marvellous. Let us wish all the best


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