Have you ever "died" and come back to life?
Topic started by Nobody (@ dhcp-161-62.cslab.unf.edu) on Mon Apr 21 20:13:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
And I don't mean physically.
- From: fridge (@
on: Tue Apr 22 06:14:59 EDT 2003
What do you mean then, How do you die if not physicaly?
There is a song that goes, ....Thought I'd died and gone to heaven by bryan Adams,
Do you mean like that
- From: somebody (@
on: Tue Apr 22 18:47:47 EDT 2003
do you mean emotionally died?
- From: Shakthi (@ 203-195-199-244.now-india.net.in)
on: Wed Apr 23 03:46:15 EDT 2003
i think he means.........
a lifeless state of depression and trauma we all go thro in some way or the other........
sometimes it takes too long to get back
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 14:17:09 EDT 2003
Yes, Shakthi.. I interpret it that way.
- From: Ramadas (@ dclient80-218-23-75.hispeed.ch)
on: Wed Apr 23 14:36:26 EDT 2003
Each of us die every moment to the previous moment. The moment just lingers on in our thought as a memory only. Thus we have a wrong sense of continuity. Nothing is continuing. Every moment is dying!
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 15:10:51 EDT 2003
How interesting. That gives a whole new perspective about time management! :0
- From: Ramadas (@ dclient80-218-23-75.hispeed.ch)
on: Wed Apr 23 15:35:37 EDT 2003
"Time" itself is a construct of memory and thought. We try to connect a moment which is "dead" already with the present moment, through memory. This connection is called "Time". So what is there in "managing" time. "Time Management" is some BS thought of some idiot!
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 15:42:48 EDT 2003
Hey I liked your poetic last post, so I wrote this poem, with almost your own words.
I'm going to keep both posted in the bathroom.
Each moment to the previous moment,
each of us to which, die.
A moment is transient,
and only in our memory lie.
That everything is continuing--
When nothing is, is misleading--
of continuity forthcoming.
Alas—Every moment is dying!
- From: Ramadas (@ dclient80-218-23-75.hispeed.ch)
on: Wed Apr 23 15:44:48 EDT 2003
Wow, Ellen you are a poet!
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 15:47:32 EDT 2003
Hey but how about the fact that some people, such as myself do things, accomplishments, in relation to my age, my surroundings, and time (which everyone keeps by the clock). There is this sense of not doing enough, being actually, and regrettably, chased by time, sometimes. I feel like I want to do a lot in a given "time" and this construct is definitely not in my personal memory and thought only. It is universal among humans, and so, this is crucial and in reality.
You really think time management is BS? That's a different perspective, than most.
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 15:48:18 EDT 2003
I never wrote a poem in my life and I was actually always fearful of never being poetic.
- From: Ramadas (@ dclient80-218-23-75.hispeed.ch)
on: Wed Apr 23 16:04:12 EDT 2003
I did not say that time is the construct of your thought alone. It is their in everyone's memory. What we call as "time" is nothing but a connection between one memory of a moment to another memory of a moment. The memory of a moment is what we call "event". What you measure using the clock is also the same. We give a 0 reading to one event (say the sun passing thru an imaginary meridian on earth) and connect it to another event and call that moment's memory with another number. The gap we call as "hour","minute"etc. Be it nanoseconds, microseconds to millenia (lavam, thrudi to mahaayugam, kalpam etc. in Sanskrit). It is all the same. If there is no memory of a moment there is no time!
- From: Ramadas (@ dclient80-218-23-75.hispeed.ch)
on: Wed Apr 23 16:05:45 EDT 2003
typo "It is there in everyone's memory"
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 16:14:55 EDT 2003
Hey, thanks for that inspiration with poetic words.
You are right that without memory, no time.
Do you perceive time in this fashion, with numbers elapsing with event? If so, quite interesting. I don't have that much visual-spatial thing going on about the concept of time.
just wondering, where did you form this idea of time? Very interesting... possibly on my break, I may read some. thanks
- From: Ramadas (@ dclient80-218-23-75.hispeed.ch)
on: Wed Apr 23 16:25:27 EDT 2003
Do not start hating me! (I do not mind even if you do!)
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 16:29:22 EDT 2003
Hate you? haha Don't worry, not yet...anyway. :)
I just read he is controversial, but I am not familiar with his philosophies, so here goes..
- From: Kajan (@ cpe0050ba1669c3-cm014110219722.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Wed Apr 23 22:35:36 EDT 2003
It is a good title.
One view as Ramdas said.
Another view from Shakthi. it could be depression or it could be hard fight against a probelm.
And if u r out of world for some time then also it could be dead
but whatever reason there is a birth after death except real one.
Nice work.
Shall I ask one thing ?
What has caused u to discuss or argue continously with that girl who always mentions the things around her is wrong. I think if such things happened really, she should have handled it practically . She is always optimistic.
If my question or comments r wrong and or hurt anybody, appologize me.
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Thu Apr 24 04:05:52 EDT 2003
You mean Ms. O? Hey, who knows...it was more out of annoyance than anything. Constant accusations, so you just want to finish the argument, you know? No, what you say is not wrong. Just your observation, which is sane and reasonable. I regret spending my time on it, too.
- From: Kajan (@
on: Thu Apr 24 09:35:56 EDT 2003
thx for ur response.
In my last posting there was a mistake.
It had to be .....isn't always optimist.
- From: pradheep (@
on: Thu Apr 24 11:15:03 EDT 2003
There is only present. There is no past and future. Every moment is present only. Past and future are concepts in your present. Do we pass time?. No time only passes. We just watch time passing.
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Wed Apr 30 13:14:12 EDT 2003
Pradeep, let me get this straight. You mean there is no past and future in the mind? in the memory? or in objective reality? What about relics of the past, like the stonehenge? monuments? ancient Rome? ancient Greece? books? ideas? land? history itself?
Are past and future really only concepts in the present? Does this sort of thinking deny the chronology of history? I am afraid this leads to denial of horrific events such as the holocaust, persecutions of all sorts, the Crusades, bubonic plague, India's history, as in fact, having been past history. How do you argue with a historian?
- From: harish (@
on: Wed May 7 06:42:22 EDT 2003
He is talking about Near-Death Experiences I think.
- From: nitin (@
on: Thu May 8 06:38:11 EDT 2003
dying mentally? I felt something similar to that. I've tried to commit suicide once during a very turbulent period in my life. I escaped due to my own cowardice. The methods of suicide that I could choose were limited because I didn't want to feel any pain, nor did i want to live as a disabled person if the attempt fails.I wanted to end it all at once and in a single moment. After vacillating for weeks(during which period I had mentally resigned myself about leaving this world and all near and dear), I tried to drink poison and huge quantity of that but all I felt was stomach-ache for two days..:)..but the mental agony and torment I suffered those days was unimaginable. I can say this now, since it's several years since then and things have changed to much better.
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Thu May 8 11:02:03 EDT 2003
Nitin, I'd have to agree. Unfortunately not all will understand what you mean, but there is, I am sure, a significant number of folks who have anguished the way you have. I for one, have, in the past teens. Being fragily sensitive and not being "rough-skinned" never allowed for the sieving through of so much pain. How one could live daily with such pain that makes one die everyday, yet the body still remains turning like some mechanical and handy clockwork...is quite a quandary.
But it is truly one thing to have experienced such sadness and 'mental resignation', but another to have come tremedous miles away from that, into a solid contentment! I'd have to say, if that was hell, this is none other than, bliss, indeed! Life is rich, as you probably agree. On the balance of life, there is death on the left and life on the right. The only difference that really tip the balance in favor of life is a life well-lived.
I am glad you didn't succeed in your particular endeavor, Nitin. It sure is nice to meet up with someone who has had a similar pain. It surely feels like a mending of a nice circle that was left unmended. Such similar experiences give meaning to me, as I reflect and realize I am glad to be alive!
- From: nitin (@
on: Sun May 11 04:11:45 EDT 2003
I'm glad too, that I didn't succeed :) However I can't say I have grown into a life of solid contentment. Life goes topsy turvy everyday ao I guess I still have miles to go to reach the state you mean.But I'd agree that life is rich. It is the variety of experiences in life that makes it so...I have had a lot more experiences in life after the failed atempt on my life, than before. I have loved and failed in love and suffered rejection and failure at work..but on the flip side have had my share of good experiences as well..I have grown to feel that all experiences no matter good or bad do add to the allurement that life has.
- From: Jan (@ cf1.c005.g4.mrt.starband.net)
on: Sat Oct 25 20:22:02
A friend of mine just lost his wife to cancer. He was in much denial about her illness. He beleived that god would heal her. Now after her death, he is confinced that she is coming back to life. That God will some how ressurect her. He believes that her urn that holds her ashes is cracking , making way for her to rebuild. I don't have the heart to tell him that he is losing reality. So I have been searching on the internet about this sort of denial. I can't find anything about this extreme kind of denial. I am worried that when reality sets in that he may commit suicide. Any suggestions??
- From: Shakthi (@ 203-195-199-244.now-india.net.in)
on: Sun Oct 26 00:45:19 EDT 2003
plz take him to a councellor or a psychiatrist....It may help.....
It happens when a person looses someone who he or she is deeply fond off.
I wish he accepts reality faster, however painful it may be
- From: Roshan (@
on: Sun Oct 26 01:04:50 EDT 2003
As Shakthi suggested please take your friend to a psychiatrist before things become worst. Please....
- From: jayvee (@ ac820a88.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Oct 28 21:38:52 EST 2003
- From: samantha (@ 24-117-123-112.cpe.cableone.net)
on: Tue Nov 4 22:14:47 EST 2003
i need help on languge past future present tenses
- From: Star (@ dial0-249.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Wed Nov 5 00:19:11 EST 2003
There are people who can communicate with the dead. Refer you're friend to one of these.
- From: s (@ imas-grnl-00-1083.dsl.iowatelecom.net)
on: Mon Jun 28 09:57:34
can i get your e-mail id.....
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