Eelam Tamils diaspora is one of the main reasons for the ITMI's survival It’s the $ from the Eelam Tamils daispora have made it possible for the Indian Tamil Movie Industry to make multi million Rupee movies.ITMI clearly shows that it is taking the Eelam Tamils for granted. We should not hesitate to boycott indian movies.Let us not let them exploit us.

Topic started by EeLam Tamil (@ on Tue Aug 13 00:17:24 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The Indian Tamil Movie Industry(ITMI):

Eelam Tamils are one of the main reasons for the ITMI’s survival. It’s the dollars from the Eelam Tamils that have made it possible for the ITMI to make multi million Rupee movies.ITMI clearly shows that it is taking the Eelam Tamils for granted
Tamils shouldn’t hesitate to even boycott the Indian movies.

Eelam Tamils must start discussing economic measures to have an impact on the current events, then I would kindly suggest the Eelam Tamils living abroad to refrain from viewing any films for some time.. This would be a such a blow to the industry in TN that they would take the right measures to shoot the right movies and educate the poor masses who are being hoodwinked by the Anti Tamil forces. This would be a service to many of our own people too as they are spending their valuable time not just to relax by watching a movie or two but to see every freaking release.. Making the frantic industry scoring on quantity and not quality.

Recently all the cable providers from Israel- the Jewish state decided not to carry CNN. The reason: It is not 100% pro-Jewish. We are not asking them to be 100% pro Tamil nationalism. We are asking them to be atleast neutral. Is it wrong???


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