Happy Shivaratri to one and all
Topic started by Urme (@ hse-toronto-ppp299279.sympatico.ca) on Tue Feb 17 11:55:40 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
It will be my first time in a gathering at the temple for Maha Shivaratri after many many years. This gathering will run some twelve hours and through midnight.
I hope all of you enjoy this occassion wherever you are.
- Old responses
- From: mummudicholan (@ host-195-34.tele2.pl)
on: Thu Feb 19 21:34:27 EST 2004
From: Surya (@ cache-ntc-ad02.proxy.aol.com) on: Thu Feb 19 15:59:26 EST 2004
I went to a near by kuckoose called Shiva Murugan Temple in Concord, California, And stayed until 12:00 at night. I could not stay any more because my mother wanted to come home. But the puja was astounding! We danced naked all night! MIndblowing! I had a great blow job from my mother! i'm already looking forward to next years Shivarathiri. Cant wait to finger the old hag's clitoris again and make her come inside the temple!
- From: mummudicholan (@ host-195-34.tele2.pl)
on: Thu Feb 19 21:35:38 EST 2004
Happy nude dancing Surya and Surya's mommy!
From: Surya (@ dsl-64-166-143-81.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) on: Thu Feb 19 18:36:21 EST 2004
>>Urme, where is Siva Shakti? In india?<<
No. Its in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- From: Urme (@
on: Fri Feb 20 11:39:44 EST 2004
I don't know why the place of posting just above to Surya is not registered.
- From: SUrya (@ cache-ntc-ad02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Feb 20 16:17:25 EST 2004
Oh its in canada? Cool. ANd by the way, just mmc, mumudicholan, and karthikdevan they are all the same person. He's just being the pervert rat that he is.
- From: ukw (@
on: Fri Feb 20 19:50:32 EST 2004
*We danced naked all night!*
U did what???????????????
U cant be a Tamil. Made a mistake, I guess.
Where do u animals come from?
- From: ukw (@
on: Fri Feb 20 19:55:48 EST 2004
Holy siht! Ur post has been maniplated. poor Surya!
- From: Surya (@ adsl-64-166-143-81.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
on: Sat Feb 21 17:47:56 EST 2004
Still Ignoring the Fuc*ing Perverts.
- From: mmc (@ buminet.telkom.net.id)
on: Sun Feb 22 12:35:31 EST 2004
//Still Ignoring the Fuc*ing Perverts.//
You seem confused. You claim to ignore me, but you reply to every post I make!
Did you forget to drink your morning Urine today? Maybe a vedic prescription of an application of your own defecation (shit) on your hair like Henna and leaving it to dry for an hour may clear your mind!
Go for it Hindu dog!
- From: FHer (@
on: Sun Feb 22 16:48:03 EST 2004
What is wrong with FH?
- From: Urme (@
on: Mon Feb 23 13:16:58 EST 2004
I was looking for this web-page( www.shiva-shakticultural.ca) to give to you and those interested, but it seesm as if it is presently under construction and fully accessible, the reason I could locate it previously. Also it should be 'Shiva' and not 'Siva', another reason I could not find it.
- From: Urme (@
on: Mon Feb 23 13:18:15 EST 2004
should be >> seems as if ...and 'not' fully accessible, ...
- From: Surya (@
on: Mon Feb 23 15:07:18 EST 2004
OH, thanks urme.
- From: Urme (@
on: Tue Mar 2 12:18:16 EST 2004
>>From: ukw (@ on: Thu Feb 19 16:49:45 EST 2004
*my mother wanted to come*
Did she, really? <<
Yest, another piece of evidence to show what a filthy twat you are. Surya was right for you.
- From: ukw (@
on: Tue Mar 2 17:16:51 EST 2004
What can I ell you, U? You got a stupid vacuum-head brother, U. That day I was spending several hours explaining an idiot that it is impossible to create or produce AIDS virus, the HIV, by Human by themselves, by any means. But that idiot never understood that since it was not said so in Ramayana or found in NIH garbage can. I was in the middle of that discussion, there comes your stupid vacuum-head brother, Surya, with a stupid question and was really irritating me by manipulaing one of my comments. I had to show him that I am smater than him and I can manipulate better than him. He learnt his lesson. However, I really felt bad that I made that comment and apologized for that to your stupid vacuum-head brother. When u r getting a brain for yourself using the avward money, get one for himself too, please.
- From: U (@
on: Tue Mar 2 17:32:29 EST 2004
>>When u r getting a brain for yourself using the avward money, get one for himself too, please.<<
O, so we can purchase brains these days. We don't have to be born with them anymore. How smart of you indeed.
- From: U (@
on: Tue Mar 2 17:39:52 EST 2004
I must keep to my words. No more of this kind of discussion. I don't have the time either.
- From: ukw (@
on: Tue Mar 2 18:07:44 EST 2004
*I don't have the time either.*
I will remind u if you forget that ur time is very precious, okay?
- From: Surya (@ cache-ntc-ad02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Mar 2 21:27:47 EST 2004
//Surya, with a stupid question and was really irritating me by manipulaing one of my comments.///
HOld on u stupid fuc*! when did i manupilate ur comments?
- From: Star (@ dial0-291.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Wed Mar 3 01:36:54 EST 2004
"What can I ell you, U? You got a stupid vacuum-head brother, U. That day I was spending several hours explaining an idiot that it is impossible to create or produce AIDS virus, the HIV, by Human by themselves, by any means. But that idiot never understood that since it was not said so in Ramayana or found in NIH garbage can."
What are you going on about? Anyone knows that AIDS is probably a mutant version of SIV. That YOU don't know this is a reflection of YOUR ignorance. What is more important is the manner of transmission. And this was my point in that thread: AIDS is transmitted in a far greater % from homo to homo than from hetero to hetero. I posted statistics from several decades - statistics from credible sources with all links posted - that backed up my point 100%. YOU of course condemened the statistics, at which point I asked you to post counterstatistics. You are YET to post a SINGLE counterstatistic to prove that the spread of AIDS is not higher among homos than hetero's.
I even challenged you before today!
From: Star (@ dial0-248.dialin.uic.edu) on: Sat Feb 28 01:03:06 EST 2004
Before this thread goes away: notice how I have suggested to Abraham and UKW that they post statistics of their own. Yet no response. This is a clear-cut example of denial. IF these people had any valid argument to begin with, coming up with statistics for them would not be difficult. I rest my case.
- From: Star (@ dial0-291.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Wed Mar 3 01:38:18 EST 2004
Yeah, so where are your statistics, UKW?
- From: Star (@ dial0-291.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Wed Mar 3 01:39:27 EST 2004
Correction: Anyone knows that HIV is probably a mutant version of SIV.
- From: Star (@ dial0-378.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Wed Mar 3 20:46:52 EST 2004
Funny how UKW stops posting in this thread altogether.
- From: Urme (@
on: Thu Mar 4 10:22:50 EST 2004
From: Star (@ dial0-378.dialin.uic.edu) on: Wed Mar 3 20:46:52 EST 2004
>>Funny how UKW stops posting in this thread altogether. <<
It is not funny, he must be banned by now. I sent the evidence to the admins(Rajaram) and cc to others to prove that the admins got it. So the admins will be forced to act. I don't want to say here what else is in the tubes.
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