Imposition of "Aryan Supremacy Theory" in Indian School Education by the Sangh Parivar

Topic started by Parasakthi (@ on Sat Aug 18 22:38:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello Friends,

The air has a tinge of doom smell to it. I don't know what this is all going to lead to.

Read the editorial from 'The Hindu' dt. 18th August,2001 - regarding the treacherous attempt by the Saffron Brigade to twist the history, and poison our children's mind.

This is not just another 'news', this could be just the beginning of another UGLY chapter in 'Indian' History.

Damnit fellas, this could unleash 'Hell'...

It's D-Day, now or never - to stand up for what we believe in, for our future and our future generations - who need to be FREE,not just the physical freedom - but freedom of their Minds and Hearts.

We shall condemn and do whatever that we could do to stop this from happening...

Remember friends - It's about Freedom and Justice.And the time to act is NOW.

The Choice is OURS.


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