Topic started by rita (@ brf-cache11.jaring.my) on Tue Oct 15 08:38:13 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

hi there.

I am a 22 year old girl and I am facing a very big problem. It has been 1 1/2 years since I broke up with my ex boyfriend. I have over came him. The problem is, I am living with a very big guilt in my heart. When we were together, we did a couple of oral sex. It was actually my first relationship with a guy.
I was so foolish to give in to him because i thought it will spoil my relationship if i dont give in to him.
But, i am still a virgin cause i never had sex with him. He wanted that, but I think i was smart enough not to let him get it.

But, i feel so guilty and I am also scared to face my future. I dont know what to do. Please advice me. Please.


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