Urdu poeiry the best on earth
Topic started by Adil (@ bibserv7.bib.uni-mannheim.de) on Thu Dec 18 09:39:46 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Salam, Sure Shakespeare, goethe, etc are all great poets, but i think if there is deep and heart-touching peotry then it is in urdu language,.....
Mirza ghalib´s peotry for example is a must in schools in Iran(persia) for example.....
So whio holds the same opinion about Urdu peotry as i do and who does not and why??
- From: BlitzHawk (@
on: Thu Dec 18 12:25:49 EST 2003
truly said adil.....
- From: unmaivilembi (@
on: Thu Dec 18 21:32:10 EST 2003
I have no doubt Urdu poetry is the best in the world - to those who have a passion for the language.
To me, Tamil poetry is the best in the world - my world - because I am passionate about the language.
But I do not harbour any illusions about Tamil being the best language in the world - or about Tamil poetry being the best in the whole wide world.
Simply because 'my world' is not 'your world'. As long we respect each other's 'world' 'OUR WORLD' will be much better place to live in.
May 'OUR GOD' bless you brother Adil.
- From: unmaivilembi (@
on: Thu Dec 18 21:32:36 EST 2003
I have no doubt Urdu poetry is the best in the world - to those who have a passion for the language.
To me, Tamil poetry is the best in the world - my world - because I am passionate about the language.
But I do not harbour any illusions about Tamil being the best language in the world - or about Tamil poetry being the best in the whole wide world.
Simply because 'my world' is not 'your world'. As long we respect each other's 'world' 'OUR WORLD' will be a much better place to live in.
May 'OUR GOD' bless you brother Adil.
- From: Miami (@ 1cust226.tnt1.bloomington.il.da.uu.net)
on: Thu Dec 18 22:58:26 EST 2003
>>Mirza ghalib´s peotry for example is a must in schools in Iran(persia) for example.....
Translate some Mirza Ghalib's poetry pls!
- From: mmc (@
on: Fri Dec 19 01:12:29 EST 2003
I think Urdu language is the sh1ttiest of all languages and urdu speakers are sons of b1tches!
- From: mmc (@
on: Fri Dec 19 01:15:21 EST 2003
As a Tamil christian I affirm that Tamil is the best language in the world (english is the second best). Urdu is for pussy licking thulukka ba$tards!
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