Mother of all martial arts : Kalari

Topic started by Indian (@ on Thu Aug 29 15:30:45 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Mother of all martial arts

It is told that the eastern martial arts like Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Judo etc had its origins in India from a small state called Kerala. Kerala was and is the spice kingdom of India and the chinese travellers and businessmen who used to visit India took them with them to China. The martial art is called Kalari in Malayalam the local language of the people of Kerala. Kalari is a more varied martial art compared to the east asian ones because of the diverse tools used. Other than hand and legs, Long sticks, short swords, hand daggers, 6 to 10 meters ,flexible and sharp on both sides flying swords are used. They also used techniques wjich are used in conjuction with the terrain of the fighting place. Like for example, if it is a sandy terrain they use the swirling technique where the fighter swirls around and uses his leg to spread sand around him and then attack the enemy.

Ancient written books on the style and secrets of Kalari date back to 500 to 600 A.D. Skills like making a opponent paralysed by attacking his nerve centres and even killing him without actually using any form of weapons other than hand is employed.

Kalari is an ancient methodically written and practised martial art in India which outdates any other known martial art in the world which is like wise recorded and written.

The"Chaver Pada" or the suicide squad as it was called was the first suicide squads in the world. Primarily composed of the Nair caste men in the army of the samorin (Or king) of Malabar in Northen Kerala they were fierce warriors. These warriors were Kalari experts.

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