An erotica website... please visit and give me your opinions!

Topic started by Vatsyayana (@ on Mon Jul 1 04:37:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello everyone. I've set up an erotica wesbite at the following address:

It's an erotica website, not a pornographic one, which means I've tried to describe sex in a beautiful way, trying to describe the beauty of the human form. I've concentrated as much on the beauty of sex as on the physical sensations of it.

As of now, there's only one piece of work there. I shall be improving the website, with changes to the design and more work there, but I'd like you to visit the website and tell me what your opinion of the work is.

It's important that you give me feedback, I'm trying to improve the website, so even if you don't like the work, at least tell me how you think I can improve it. Reply either in this thread or email me at


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