SUN TV Newsman arrested by Jaya Govt.

Topic started by Saravanan (@ on Thu Jun 28 23:49:02 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Jayalalitha said, around 65 tones of soiled (unusable) rice stored in the gowdowns by DMK Govt.

She is planning to sell around 40 tones of same rice from the gowdown. Keralieties are not foolish, they will not buy unusable rice.

Ex. Minister Ponmudi visited one of the gowdown along with lot of Newspaper and TV reporters. He proved that all the rice are usfull rices to that news media.
Because of this Jaya's rice acting came to the light.
She ordered to arrest SUN TV newsman MR.Suresh. why!!!.
Now Jaya is facing lot of agitations from the news media throught India.


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