Moslem Terrorism : After Afghan now it's Palestine's turn
Topic started by Indian (@ on Tue Apr 2 00:51:22 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Palestine's suicide bombers killed 120 Israel people in March'02 alone.And one suicide bomber who killed 16 Israel people was just 16 years old girl.Does any civilized religion allow this kind of barbaric act? Does Yasser Arafat can justify these killings? I think Sharon has taken a right decision:announcing war on terrorists
Yasser Arafat lost his respect after he declined to comment on the terrorism by "his" people.Now-a days he's talking only about Israel's war on Palestine but not about his own terrorist people.
I think India should not support Palestine in this regard.Indian leaders should learn lessons from Israel that terrorism should be eradicated by war only,not by useless dialogues.
- From: God's slave (@
on: Tue Apr 2 02:18:19
Killed innocent isrealis not the soldiers.
No matter what we tell this people they will still be the same. Unless true democracy comes that is unless the present islamic countries take out the theocracy from their government and madrasas are banned these people will be brainwashed from their child hood and asked to do jihad.
And then we will see cowards like bin laden who incite these type of people to kill others and then shamelessly running themselves and hiding in caves and covering their heads like women. When evidence is presented showing verses that are so dumb they come out with funny explanations saying the verses are poetic and blah blah blah.
True intellectuals in arabia were exterminated in arabia by mohammad and those who questioned him were butchered even in sleep including the famous arab poetress of that time. All non-muslims were chased away from arabia by the order of the fake mohammad.
What kind of prophet of god?. If he was that much interested in making arabia an islamic country he should have used love and peace to convert them to muslims, and that if he was a true prophet. He was a fake and like hitler he just wanted to eradicate the jews and killed them in great numbers or chased them out.
Truly Mohammad was the Hitler of the 7'th century.
- From: God's slave (@
on: Fri Apr 5 18:46:46
Challenge for Alanc & other muslims in the world,
You told your prophet didnt say to drink any sort of urine. Go to the website I am giving you which is an Islamic website.
<< >>
Now once this page opens drag the left window down and go to Hadith. It is situated just below Quran. Click Hadith. Now the following four hadiths pop up on the right hand side,
Sahih Bukhari:
Sahih Muslim:
Sunan Abu-Dawud:
Muwatta Malik:
Go to Sahih Bukhari and click on it.
You come up with the window titled, "Translation of Sahih Bukhari"
Translator: M. Muhsin Khan
Now click on number 4. Ablutions (Wudu')
Scroll down until you come to this passage. And one more thing is this is a valid hadith accepted by all muslims, sun*ni and shia.
The verse there is as follows.
Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234:
Narrated Abu Qilaba:
Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra' and when they asked for water, no water was given to them." Abu Qilaba said, "Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle ."
There are other funny things in all those hadiths in this website like how the horny fake prophet mohammad used to control his desires and just fondle his wifes breasts during their menstrual periods. For this go to Sahih - Bukhari and them "mensturation".
- From: Allen (@
on: Sat Sep 27 06:55:38
I continue to be amazed at the fact that no one ever talks about the underlying cause of terrouism in Palistine.
That root cause is hatred. Its not about land. Its not about peace. Its not about political and or religious differances.
Palistinian children are taught to hate Jews by their parents from about age two. By the time they reach 16 they hate Jews to the point that they are willing to die to kill them.
The only way to peace is one of two methods:
1. Eradicate the hatred. This may be impossible.
2. Move the Palistinian Muslim to Jordan or Egypt. Forbid them to enter Israel. If they do shoot them.
Continueing with the current set up will only result in continued terroism and murder of innocent children, woman and civilians.
- From: Allen (@
on: Sat Sep 27 06:55:43
I continue to be amazed at the fact that no one ever talks about the underlying cause of terrouism in Palistine.
That root cause is hatred. Its not about land. Its not about peace. Its not about political and or religious differances.
Palistinian children are taught to hate Jews by their parents from about age two. By the time they reach 16 they hate Jews to the point that they are willing to die to kill them.
The only way to peace is one of two methods:
1. Eradicate the hatred. This may be impossible.
2. Move the Palistinian Muslim to Jordan or Egypt. Forbid them to enter Israel. If they do shoot them.
Continueing with the current set up will only result in continued terroism and murder of innocent children, woman and civilians.
- From: Star (@
on: Tue Mar 30 03:46:10
Too many madrassas.
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