How Black September was finished?

Topic started by Karthik (@ on Sun Dec 16 13:09:35 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Here is an interesting piece of information on how we can deal with terrorists. This is how, one of the most dreaded terrorist unit was ended.

Not that I am advocating kid gloves for the Muslim terrorists in Kashmir and elsewhere in India. Our guys are far more numerous in number and even the Indian Muslims treat India as a 'kafir' state. And trans-national loyalties are also there. So, there is a certain need for dealing with these terrorists and the Islamic establishments such as madrassas and mosques with an iron hand. But, when you have successfully done that,which again calls for political will, there is always a point where the terrorists start to feel how bogus the claims of 'jehad' and the promised stint in the heaven with 72 heuris are. At that juncture it is a nice idea to integrate them with the society and give them a better reason to live. That is where this incident may be useful.


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