Vedic theories of creation -- vimanas
Topic started by Krishnan (@ on Fri Jun 15 04:20:55 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Many of you may have wondered,
though India has achieved some success in
launching missiles, it has not
successfully assembled an
aeroplane -- civilian or military -- reason being, lack of tradition and skills, among
many others. Delays in completing the
LCA is one prime example.
I was no exception, till I came across this
amazing piece of information, at
- From: shard (@
on: Fri Jun 15 04:50:24
I too have heard of the Flying Machine mentioned in the vedas and many other Indian legends (I think it makes an appearance in the Ramayana too). But I am a bit sceptic about an actual flying machine having existed. The image of a flying machine is not unique to the can be found in the Bible (OT), Jewish myths, Exyptian Hieroglyphics and so on. But there is no tangible physical evidence that it existed and the things seemed to work more on magic than any laws of physics. I guess it is a work of imagination (afterall gods roamed the heavens and the should have something to take them around so they used the basic structure of something else they saw that flew...birds).
Anyways, one of the reasons why the Indian aerospace industry is not taking off is because of lack of cooperation among scientists and engineers, a lack of work culture, beuraucratic and political 'throw a spanner in the works' syndrome and so on. AND also the attitude that "we had the flying machine long before anyone else and we can always build one if we want to"...only we never seem to want to.
- From: kurankaatti (@
on: Fri Jun 15 15:29:06
This link talks about north indian culture.
Lot more things were there in south india @ this period
- From: Srini (@
on: Sat Jun 16 02:27:09
VIMANAS Flying devices are commonplace in many religions, and Hinduism is no exception. According to ancient Sanskrit texts found a few years ago by Westerners in a South Indian temple, Vimanas were open topped flying devices, not strictly UFOs since they were restricted to the Earth's atmosphere. Dr Roberto Pinotti is an Italian scientist, and on the 12th of October 1988 was a speaker in the World Space Conference in Bangalore, India. He referred to several Hindu texts and pointed out that Indian gods and heroes fought in the skies using piloted vehicles armed with weapons. These weapons consisted of seven different types of mirrors and lenses which were used for offensive and defensive purposes. The "Pinjula Mirror" offered a form of "visual shield" preventing the pilots from "evil rays", and the weapon named "Marika" was used to shoot enemy aircraft. Dr Pinotti said that these weapons "do not seem to be too different from what we today call laser technology." The vehicles themselves were made of special heat absorbing metals, called "Somaka, Soundalike and Mourthwika". According to Dr Pinotti, the "principles of propulsion as far as the descriptions were concerned, might be defined as electrical and chemical, but solar energy was involved as well." Other scientists have put forward the theory that the craft were driven by some sort of mercury ion propulsion system. Dr Pinotti concluded that the fact that Vimanas were written about hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of years ago, plus that they resembled modern UFOs would suggest that India had a "...superior but forgotten civilisation. In the light of this, we think it will be better to examine the Hindu texts and subject the descriptive models of Vimanas to more scientific scrutiny." "So where does the ET connection come in?" you're asking me. Well, since the texts were written hundreds or even thousands of years ago, we can safely assume that no human civilization could produce _any_ flying machines, but these Vimanas _did_ exist, along with a mercury ion propulsion system and a form of laser technology, so where could they get the ideas for these devices from? Enter some ET influences and you're away. But that leads us to the question of "where did all this new technology go?" We don't know, but since the texts exist and the properties of the Vimanas have been proved to be possible by scientists, we know that they did exist.
- From: Vishvesh Obla (@
on: Sat Jun 16 11:27:03
I remember I read a book titled something like 'Chariot of Gods' when i was in school. The author's name was Erik Von something. It was a fascinating book, but then I must say it could appear now as idle reading. Well, anyway those who are interested in UFOs and such things might still find it interesting
- From: stg (@
on: Mon Jun 18 02:42:53
Its Erich Von Daniken and he as written several other books like return to starts, signs of ancient gods, the gods and their grand designs, the stones of kiribati etc..Even I was very much fascinated by daniken.. but hard proof is yet to come. He talks about the plains of nazca, pyramids of egypt but there are other credible explanations for that also. I also read a disturbing article where he admits that he doctored some of the stuff and has used selectively also..
- From: Pink (@ )
on: Fri Sep 27 17:25:54
I've been reading on the historical mysteries, and everything seems to be believable and unbelievable at the same time. I just recently read on the Vimanas and I will say that i was never aware of the fact that the Hindu religion acknowledged flying machines let alone describing the technicals. My theory is that i believe that the world has ended before and that these Hindu Epics, as well as many others from other cultures and religions are just recantations of actual events.
- From: Hack (@
on: Wed Oct 1 00:34:13
I think I agree with Pink.
From many of my own travels and investigations, we at one time had a great deal of knowledge, and were foolish enough to destroy all of it.
It might have happened several times, perhaps it is the natural evolution of events that occur on worlds where sentient life evolves.
If this is the case, it will happen again. It is only a matter of time.
I find the whole idea of sentient life on earth odd. Billions of years and only one sentient life form.
What I also find odd, is the fact that scientists contend most of us physiologically are the same as our ancestors 100,000 years ago. i.e. same brain etc.
But we just in the last 5 thousands years decided to "wake up" and start pursuing civilization?
I find that VERY hard to believe.
- From: Idiappam (@
on: Wed Oct 1 04:58:29 EDT 2003
From ancient fantacies to current propaganda! Huh! Sanksrit, the site claims is the mother of all european languages!
Tell that to the white man.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Wed Oct 1 05:12:45 EDT 2003
Kurankaatti , can you tell me what as there in SI at this time period ?
- From: Suresh (@
on: Thu Oct 2 11:03:17 EDT 2003
I agree with Hack,Pink and Shard.
I feel our ancestors, especially in Vedic Period (may be few thousand years BC) had been well cultured and well advanced in technology.
The fact that valmiki wrote about a vimana itself makes them great visoneers.
I would like to bring up few small scenes from Mahabarata. Krishna is in Mathura. Duryodhana and Shakuni used to stand in an elevated basement structure with a big mirror like thing in front of them. They see krishna in the mirror and they chat.
This is nothing but "video conferencing"
Concepts like Vimana, Cloning, Video conferencing
were already visioned in our vedic period and I am of a strong belief that those things existed then. It is just a major calamity which destroyed everything.
I also read in one of the newsgroups that George fernandes has setup a comittee on researching survived transcripts from atharvanaveda. Apparently the committe did some initial breakthroughs of finding texts which says method to survive days without eating meals during war periods etc.,
- From: Gogiya (@
on: Sat Oct 4 00:39:57 EDT 2003
>>>>I am of a strong belief that those things existed then. It is just a major calamity which destroyed everything.<<<
Which was the major calamity that destroyed everything?
Could anyone enlighten me? Tks in adv.
- From: Kaduva (@
on: Thu Oct 9 05:29:59 EDT 2003
"TR3-B" is in one of the ufo sub culture lores a secret US Govt. anti-gravity craft that used some form of mercury ion propulsion system. While most of these stories can be dismissed as improbable or lacking in credibility not to mention any proof, what interested me was a reference in a wired magazine edition to such a mercury ion propulsion again in relation to a sub-culture of "lifters" which used ion wind to levitate. The refernce came from a former NASA engineer who claimed that the us govt. did some work on propulsion systems using mercury ions. The interesting part though is that the vedas too talk about a "mercury engine" which powers these vimanas. I forgot which issue it was but even though the link between the vimanas and this particular refrence is somewhat tenuous it is still worth some attention. Maybe the ancients of India had harnessed ion propulsion. It is used in space crafts and the lifters featured in wired did manage to get off the ground.
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