how can india become a developed country..??
Topic started by George Bush - WDC (@ on Sun Sep 28 13:51:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Can v play any roles to make india to be a DEVELOPED COUNTRY ..........
- From: Rohit (@
on: Tue Sep 30 14:59:58 EDT 2003
First, by Indians grasping the concept of quality, then eradicating all sorts of corruption from India; and then by eradicating the poverty of more than 600 million people.
- From: Shakthi (@
on: Wed Oct 1 03:17:36 EDT 2003
nothign else!
- From: Rohit (@
on: Wed Oct 1 14:35:07 EDT 2003
You mean, let people of India grow mentally? Otherwise, as far as "TIME" is concerned, many millennia have already passed without much success.
- From: £ (@
on: Wed Oct 1 16:16:44 EDT 2003
India is a developed country, in an advanced state of decay. - Shashi Tharoor, Under Secretary General, United Nations.
- From: Indian (@
on: Wed Oct 1 19:27:30 EDT 2003
Actually I am working in one of the huge Government Tax Benefit programmes in one of the developed Countries. The Government gives a tax benefit for the
people who have children. So the more the children you have you get more money.
I was asking many of my Indian friends when India would bring such policies for its people. He said
first no body pays tax. If you dont pay tax you already have tax benefits. Then Why do we need such schemes? aha, what a wonderful country is ours?
It is already a developed country. Why do we need to develop again?
- From: Suresh (@
on: Thu Oct 2 10:47:17 EDT 2003
My response might be discouraging, but I personally feel that only a major calamity/disaster in India can urge a new thirst in Indians to really work towards making India a developed nation.
- From: Star (@
on: Thu Oct 2 23:34:08 EDT 2003
George Bush is well-developed in mental decay. Wonder who wrote that statement for him? Don't listen to anything the idiot has to say: (1) some adviser wrote it for him (2) American came into the world very very late.
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