I want to get citizenship in Sri Lanka. Can someone tell me how to get it and who I need to speak to?

Topic started by Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@ edtntnt7-port-27.dial.telus.net) on Sat Jun 7 23:43:28 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Dear FH-ers,
I am interested to get a citizenship in Sri Lanka and would like to know how to go about it. Will I need to get an application form for a citizenship in Sri Lanka/obtain a visa/passport? Also, though I am a person who is so high functioning and independant, I am getting financial support from the Government of Canada. Is there a way I can still obtain a support from the Canadian government by way of the Canadian High Comission in Colombo in the area of finances, medical, and otherwise? I am interested to know. I hope someone will be able to help me.


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