Who do you admire?
Topic started by Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com) on Sun Mar 30 14:25:09 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Just want to know who in history: politics, history, mathematics, science, sports, any discipline or the arts....you admire.
I am looking for some good people to read about. I love biographies.
- Old responses
- From: Ormila (@ n49.ucce5.uwindsor.ca)
on: Wed Apr 9 16:30:13 EDT 2003
From: Ormila (@ n90.ucce5.uwindsor.ca) on: Sun Apr 6 19:55:56 EDT 2003
i) If it is the case ... with lots of ..and not 'of it..' and 'lost of..'
ii)I guess ... and not 'It guess'
- From: I don't admire myself always. (@ walker.lib.unf.edu)
on: Mon Apr 14 19:44:43 EDT 2003
Hey, this is Ellen.
I don't always admire myself. I have high regard for myself mostly and I am confident, but yes, everyone has a wild-side. I actually feel bad for being impatient and for easily being annoyed with people.
But, I love life. Thanks.
- From: Jez (@ cache-loh-af03.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Apr 15 14:48:10 EDT 2003
Hmmm. When I think of what I've felt for other people and the monosyllables we use to describe our emotions, no one word is enough. I might say I love myself, but to give you the full picture I might also express a range of deeply held negative emotions. OK, never mind me.
Ellen - Highly recommend "Wittgenstein's Poker" (someone else you can admire and dislike simultaneously). It holds obvious interest for me, as it is about the standoff between two great philosophers in Cambridge, England, both of Austrian Jewish descent. Somewhere between a detailed biography, a history and one of the most stimulating pop books on philosophy I can recall having read.
- From: Im.Lakshmi (@
on: Wed Apr 16 02:05:26 EDT 2003
I'm Lakshmi.Admiring others always helps to improve yourself.I admire my parents,my teachers,me friends,my plants,birds,animals,even the characters in some stories&novels.It helped me to enrich my spirit.
Adimiration and liking go together.If you admire a person,you like all he does.When you like a person soon you start admiring him.So life would peaceful.
Everyone in the world has something to be admired.We have to realise their speciality and admire them.If you really admire others,you are surely gifted with a great character.
- From: urmila (@ n49.ucce5.uwindsor.ca)
on: Wed Apr 16 14:04:11 EDT 2003
We all admire, but are we wrong in who we selectively admire? Are we obliged to admire everyone and for reasons whi we can't give?
- From: urmila (@ n49.ucce5.uwindsor.ca)
on: Wed Apr 16 14:04:24 EDT 2003
We all admire, but are we wrong in who we selectively admire? Are we obliged to admire everyone and to admire all for reasons which we can't give?
- From: Ormilla (@ n49.ucce5.uwindsor.ca)
on: Wed Apr 16 15:24:10 EDT 2003
The truth is I admire people with 'Originality', not those of building blocks.
- From: Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com)
on: Fri Apr 25 15:07:55 EDT 2003
Hey Jez, good to see you're on posts after Passover.
I didn't see this at the my university library, and I didn't see Russell's book on happines either, so I may get to B & N (Barnes and Nob) and see!
- From: Marius (@ ti511210a000-0056.dialup.online.no)
on: Fri May 9 12:54:51 EDT 2003
I admire Yogananda.
You can find his autobiography here:
- From: nitin (@
on: Fri May 9 16:49:08 EDT 2003
I admire Sri Ramakrishna and his disciple Vivekananda.
Sri Ramakrishna lived one of the purest and spiritual lives ever in the world. Some people consider him an incarnation of God.
Narendranath Datta(or Vivekananda), was the first Indian to cross the sea to US and spread the message of the Vedanta and Hindu religion to the Western World.
Here's a link on them
- From: salapathy (@ ac8d783d.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat May 10 00:41:18 EDT 2003
Learn about this great PATRIOT who spent so many years in jail. He refused to betray his country. He died a poor but proud man
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Wed May 14 14:44:00 EDT 2003
I admire Sri Karunamayi because She is so fileed with love and compassion it puts a wonderful vibration over whoever is around Her and fills the whole room. I have never experience it directly, but, I hear it is really cool! B)
- From: Saravanan (@
on: Mon May 19 07:17:32 EDT 2003
I admire Dr.M.S.Swaminathan the living Scientist of India, who proposes lots of ideas to develop India. He must be appreciated by all. And our Indian foolish politicians must obey him and give him a chance to rule our country. He will definitely change our country as a developed country in the world.
- From: Neck (@ )
on: Sat Jul 5 16:54:55
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