Would u marry a person who had pre-marital relations?
Topic started by Sweetie (@ webcacheh12a.cache.pol.co.uk) on Fri Oct 18 12:17:18 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
In other words had sex before marriage. Does it really matter?
- From: Shekhar (@
on: Sat Oct 19 00:36:32
Oh yea! Ask anybody. If you had sex before marriage, it doesn't matter. If your spouse had it, then it does hell-of-a-lot !!
But I fail to understand why it should be an issue. How does it make a difference in bed?
- From: Indian (@ newgw4.me.iastate.edu)
on: Sat Oct 19 03:07:08
It matters.
If you as a man has had nice sex before your marriage then these are some points you will make.
1. I slept befroe so why cant she do it?. I dont care.
2. You are not gonna find virgin girls these days.
3. Experienced girls are a boon for your sex life.
The points these guys dont understand is that their immoral life makes them think that the whole world is immoral too. They do not trust anyone in life. Once these guys are married they will always distrust their wifes and usually the marriage life is in shambles.
No body believes in God. Every body has their own view points on sexuality and how darwins theory of survival of fittest is to be applied. The society is going to be a highly immoral society to live in the coming years.
- From: jeboy (@ )
on: Sun Dec 7 13:01:33
yes of course why not because pre marital today is very common you dont even know if the person uve falling with have a pre marital partber. like me i do have a wife but i do have also a pre marital partner
- From: jeboy (@ )
on: Sun Dec 7 13:01:54
yes of course why not because pre marital today is very common you dont even know if the person uve falling with have a pre marital partber. like me i do have a wife but i do have also a pre marital partner
- From: Kevin raj (@
on: Mon Dec 8 08:05:42 EST 2003
Nice Topic but i am still thinking about Pre-marital sex. is it really wrong or is it a normal thing to do. I have many friends suggesting that it is normal that i go on for it if not I am considered abnormal.
is it, can anyone suggest me on this?
- From: Wrong (@
on: Sun Dec 14 15:10:09 EST 2003
It is wrong man. How you feel if you found your mother, sister and wife have some affair in there past. This 100% wrong see the most advanced country so called USA they are free in this matter. There in school they teaches to 3rd grade student "what is a sex" and "how you will save your self from pregnancy" if some thing goes wrong. See how god sends a very dengourous deiseis AIDS to them.
- From: mmc (@
on: Sun Dec 14 16:39:34 EST 2003
History has it that Rama's wife Seetha had a crush on his fair skinned brother Lakshmana and had secret sexual relations with him, but was forced to marry the black and ugly Rama due to parental pressure. Later, in the forest when Lakshmana refuses to leave Seetha's side on Rama's orders, she accuses him of still being infatuated with her and trying to revive the old relationship.
See Valmiki Ramayana Kaanda 3, Chapter [sarga] 45:
- From: Star (@ dial0-282.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Mon Dec 15 17:24:27 EST 2003
"History has it that Rama's wife Seetha had a crush on his fair skinned brother Lakshmana and had secret sexual relations with him"
In that case, Sita would have been burned in the fire she built to prove her chastity, afer being freed from capitivity by Ravanna. Sita and Ram are both AVATHARAS, so they are the embodiment of perfect DHARMA. This is the whole point of Ramayana! Let the fools think whatever else they want, but they distorting the main theme of the story.
- From: mmc (@
on: Mon Dec 15 19:02:58 EST 2003
There is no proof that the slut Seetha actually performed that rite. Any idiot knows that it is impossible for anyone to walk into a raging fire and come out unscathed. Only the Urine drinking dirty hindus can be fooled to believe such trash.
Valmiki also describes in the aranya kanda that Ravana "rapes" Seetha by seating her on his lap in his pushpak vimana while kidnapping her. In that case how could she have been pure anyway? Granted she did not consent to that sex and hence it can be argued that she maintained her honor, but rape is rape.
- From: Star (@ dial0-060.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Mon Dec 15 20:04:20 EST 2003
"Any idiot knows that it is impossible for anyone to walk into a raging fire and come out unscathed."
You have never heard of the Sri Lankan fire-walkers then, or seen the Brahmins who can lie on a bed of nails... these can be achieved through superior control of the nervous system. As for Sita's attempted sati, she was more than a human, she was a god. She could have left the world at anytime. Sita is actually Ravanna's daughter... of course Ravanna does not know this, whether she herself knows is a question Ramayana does not answer. Sita is destined to be Ravanna's downfall - he cannot avoid the punishment she brings, because it is retribution for he raped previously. Beyond all this, there is a simple reason why Ravanna could not rape Sita - Ravanna, having raped an earlier woman, was cursed such that his ten heads would explode if he ever violated another woman.
One must read of Ramayana to comment on any part of it. It is foolish to pick out one part part from the rest.
- From: Star (@ dial0-060.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Mon Dec 15 20:06:33 EST 2003
*One must read all of Ramayana to comment on any part of it.
- From: Star (@ dial0-060.dialin.uic.edu)
on: Tue Dec 16 00:33:01 EST 2003
Hahaha, what a bloody idiot this porno Thevar FAKE mmc is. I got the following from his own link.
"When Ravana is carrying a curse on his head, that makes his head/heads to be splintered, if he lustfully touches any woman, against her will..."
So unless porno Thevar FAKE mmc can explain why the story doesn't end at 49, it is clear Ravanna never raped Sita.
- From: Observer (@ ncfmcc1-ext.nb.ford.com)
on: Tue Dec 23 16:14:35 EST 2003
I feel that there should not be premarital sex before marriage. There is a certain element of thrill associated with it in first night.
Its also an individual's moral principles to see it in the way they want. If the individual can convince himself that what he is doing is ok, then he does it.
but if he comes to know that his spouse had premarital sex or still having now, he is torn to shreds.
all the distinguised people in this forum(indians atleast) who talk thats its ok to have premarital sex, cannot even imagine how their situation will be if thier partners had premarital sex or still having one.
its basically trust and faith on each partner which keep the institution of marriage alive. If it breaks, then sooner or later it falls down. Its an act which even u repent cannot be brought back to original status quo and you have to live with it all your life..
what goes around comes back...if a person does an act, he will get it 10 times in return(good or bad)
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