One Minute Party Games
Topic started by Ruby bhatt (@ on Wed Nov 28 08:09:35 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I would like to know about One minute party games for children and kitty parties.
- From: Ramadas (@
on: Thu Dec 6 17:08:15
The "have seen" game is popular. Place small articles on a tray, in a hidden place. Call all the
children to another room. Let each have a paper and pencil. Show the tray to them exactly for 60 seconds. After that take the tray off from their sight. The children are supposed to write the names of all the articles kept on the tray. Child who writes the most wins. Increases observation and memory power. The tray should contain atleast 14 items like matchbox, spoon, paper-weight etc.
- From: Amrit (@ )
on: Mon Apr 19 11:00:49
i want to know the one minute games for company employees get together
- From: Abhishek Das (@
on: Thu May 13 02:57:42
i would like to know one minute written games or activity games.played by 10-12 members.i want to know two games.abhishek
- From: Shakthi (@
on: Sat May 15 03:54:49 EDT 2004
hi ruby and abhishek,
As ramadas said, 'MEMORY' (WE CALL IT MEMORY) Game is very interesting.
2.Other most popular game is 'TAILING THE DONKEY' which has become most party entertainer and therefore a BORE these days. In this game, we need a chalk, black board, or a marker with planner board,
A cat, or a donkey or a flower etc should be drawn prior, each participant should be blind folded and made to tail the cat or the donkey or STEM THE FLOWER, the person whose tailing is most acceptable stands the winner.
3. 'MIS-MATCH' is the other game which can be played. Here a woman or a man or a child, can be dressed with NOT THE RIGHT CORUM,
each shoe diff colour
matchless shirt and trousers
lipstick in just the lower lip
one eyebrow drawn other left
the person should be allowed to walk just for a minute and then vacate the dias or the hall.T he participant after the person walks out, should write what all they can remember which was MIS-MATCHED.
Who ever remembers and writes the maximum wins.
5. COUNT THE CHOCLATES- A box full of choclates should eb placed in a transparant plastic or glass jar, and ask the participants to approximately count the choclates by just looking at it. The person whose guess is CLOSEST GETS THE BOX OF CHOCLATES.
6. Lot of games where 2 people can participate CAN BE CONDUCTED as one minute game. Who hems the saree falls faster, who eats the maximum no. of apples etc.
7. 'FINDING-THE-MATCH' is a game where participates are asked to pick up a chit, contaning names like
romeo- juliet
ship-water etc
and each person after the game starts, should go in search of his rightful partner, which ever pair comes up first, is the winner.
8. NUMBER-OUT is another game, where we stand in a circle, and count numbers in ascending order, (if 8 is the out number, 8 and multiples of eight should not be counted)
9. ADDING game is where, if one person starts with one item in office say....'file' the other person should continue with 'FILE....TABLE'
THE THIRD ONE WILL ADD ONE MORE ITEM FOUND IN OFFICE and put it at last, REPEATING IN SAME ORDER, the person who misses order, OR WHO FAILS TO FIND AN ITEM is out of the game. (u can do this any common category not necesarily office)
10. ODD-MAN-IN . In this game U can chart out certain thigns like
a. person with red watch
b. person with blue bindi
c. person with yellow shirt etc.
The first person who claims that he or she has this, IS A WINNER.
If i remember more, i shall tell u. ANYMORE PARTY GAMES? ppl please contribute.
All these games are basically for friends, students or maximum family gathering. OFFICE PARTY GAMES NEED TO CATER TO THE INTELLECT OF THE PARTICIPANTS. so u can count all these games out. :)
- From: Preethi J (@ )
on: Thu May 27 02:46:22
Office Tours One Minute Games:
1. The MAX number of Balloons blown and burst in a minute.
2. MAX number of Matchsticks fired in a minute.
3. Define a boundary and make the person walk backwards... MAX no of times crossed is winner.
4. Have a cap and ask team to wear and pass on to next person. MAX no of times it crosses the first person of the team.
5. If you have the time and patience, guess treasure hunt would be interesting..........
More available but I guess what actually works is that u decide a few things on the spot...
Have a great trip!!
- From: raju (@
on: Sat Jun 5 15:39:19 EDT 2004
anymore pls
- From: girish gandhi (@
on: Thu Sep 30 00:50:05
send me a one minute game
- From: anjum (@ )
on: Mon Oct 11 07:26:09
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- From: Pavalamani Pragasam (@
on: Tue Oct 12 03:05:46 EDT 2004
Here is a game for a group: let the members sit in some order; somebody start saying "A", the person seated next says "B", the next "C"; it goes on like this to "Z" - if the name of a person starts with the letter he gets the turn to say (eg."M" for "Mala")he goes out of the game. The game starts fresh from the next person with "A". This is an interesting elimination game keeping the participants excited not to get the letter of their name!
- From: Sheetal J Gangwal (@
on: Tue Oct 12 23:59:15 EDT 2004
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