Occult & Metaphysics

Topic suggested by Sriram Lakshman on Thu Jan 21 20:06:23 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am starting this thread as a result of my conversation with Karthi over the phone. Personally, anything that is shrouded in mystery has always attracted me and then gone on to become an obsession later. With occult related topics, it has been no different for me and it continues to be intriguing. There has always been a latent desire to get my hands dirty with atleast the fundementals of all its branches like Palmistry, astrology, numerology etc but it seldom went beyond reading through a book and ending up all confused and worked up. Any inputs or discussions that could give me an insight into the various facets of occult sciences are welcome.

For the skeptics, this thread has not been started to discuss the validity of occult sciences but only to percieve it as it exists without prejudice.

Needless to say, topics like metaphysics and reincarnation also vie for special attention. Details of any material , any personal experience the participants could part with will be deeply appreciated.


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