Mobilizing youth in TN/India

Topic started by Nambi (@ on Wed Dec 25 18:58:39 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.


Are you interested in organizing rural youths in TN/India? I know that many people have great desire to do something for the development
of our country. I stronlgy believe that promoting rural youths will do a great deal
in the development of our country. I would like to start youth clubs/organizations with the following objectives.

1) Creating a casteless society.
2) Creating a tolerant society towards religion and ethnicity.
3) To work for the Social, Economic, Cultural, Vocational, Physical and Artistic progress of the people especially Youth, women and children.
4) To organize reading rooms, libraries and debating societies etc and publish periodicals for the cultural development of the villagers.
5) To organize social development activities for the improvement of poor and deserving members and villagers.
6)To organize and conduct centers for the disabled and aged members and villagers.
7)To conduct study classes in agriculture and job oriented courses on modern scientific lines.

I expect your opinions. If you have a dream and thrive before me and do want to do something creative and innovative for our society, come on and join me. We can change our society.


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