An interesting reply by Commander Ahmad Shah Masood

Topic started by Vishvesh Obla (@ on Wed Sep 12 11:07:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

An interesting reply by Commander Ahmad Shah Masood

In the 1980s, you were involved in fighting a foreign invader - the Soviet Union. But now you are fighting an army made up substantially of the Afghan people. How do you feel doing that?

In the past also, the Russians had with themselves Khalqis and Parchamites (the communists) fighting against us who were Afghanis. Now the only difference is that earlier the invasion (aggression) was from the north and this time around it is from the south. In the past, aggression was very clear and their ideology was known to us but now the aggression is veiled, and all crimes are committed in the name of Islam and its defence…

The reply makes clear what kind of forces are operating behind the Taliban today. It is essentially a shift of a different kind of class force that Masood without his knowledge seems to be recognizing today. Commander Masood is the Deputy President and Defence Minister of the U.N.-recognised Islamic Government of Afghanistan. And there are various shades of meaning implied by this particular reply and the one that follows. For those who are interested, try this link

The articles in the newspaper The Hindu when archived get a different URL and this article can be found in the above URL only today.


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