PLAYING hard to get

Topic started by fridge (@ on Tue Feb 4 07:49:42 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

What is it about the chase that men enjoy.
Simple scenario would be like this, boy meet girls, there is mutual attraction Boy says to girl, Hey I like you, and girl says to boy "I like you too"....blah blah blah... happily ever after....
NOOOOO it does not work like that, in real life Boy and girl like each other, Boy say's he likes girl, girls plays hard to get, then boy tries harder, and girl acts coy, and guy feels more attracted to girl. I do not get it, If I do not like the guy I will say NO, I do not like the guy, If I like the guy I flirt, It is that simple, Very appropriate as well, I think But due to some men being like puppies one has to engage in this tedious tiring game of playing hard to get so the guy really really apreciates you, somehow men will appreciate you if they have to work very hard and do lot of begging for you. I do not get that, why do you have to pretend to say no when you mean yes.
What is your view?


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