Tamil muslims your comments.
Topic started by kan (@ aworklan004191.netvigator.com) on Fri Feb 21 05:56:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- From: Miami (@ slip129-37-237-114.ma.us.prserv.net)
on: Sun Feb 23 22:35:09
Comments on what??
- From: kan (@ aworklan004191.netvigator.com)
on: Mon Feb 24 03:26:54
sorry about that. what i mean is what do you think of tamil muslims, their character,their ways, thier presence in your neighourhood.your view in their difference between u.
- From: fridge (@ netcache6.is.co.za)
on: Mon Feb 24 04:57:59
They say that Islam is the fasting growing religion on earth, I still have no idea why this is so but the say it is true,
I do not know why Tamil speaking people would convert to Muslim I cannot think of a reason, Hmmmm maybe the sari is a very provocative form of dressing and they went for something a little more conservative, what do you think.
- From: Miami (@ slip129-37-237-156.ma.us.prserv.net)
on: Mon Feb 24 21:09:43
I would like to comment on A R Rahman or Abdul Kalam, but I really do not know them in person. hehehee.... So aalai vidunga thambi .
- From: Thampi (@ cache5-1.ruh.isu.net.sa)
on: Tue Feb 25 12:39:05
Vanakkam Macha, Compared to Muslims in other states, the religious knowledge of Tamil Muslims is less. I have not seen any much difference in the character of Muslims with Hindus and Christians in TN. Muslims don't worship idols. They believe in single God. They talk Tamil. (Very few among them talk Urdu). They have the third Islamic institute in India-at Vellore. Their leader late Muhammad Ismail Sait was a good person. Among them more equality and fraternity are there compared to Hindus and Christians. They are not supposed to drink liquor. They are also working like others for food, shelter and cloth. Their colour of the skin is also like other Tamil Makkal.
- From: Shaheen (@ j125.kja51.jaring.my)
on: Sat Jan 17 01:27:48
Could anyone kindly revert back to me regarding the History of Tamil Indian Muslims, how they came about, their ethnicity and so on. Thank you. Appreciate any good input.
- From: Harrison (@
on: Tue Jan 20 08:15:34 EST 2004
Surprisingly, Tamil Muslims in Malaysia are more patriotic to Tamil language than most Tamils.Majority of them speak Tamil at home. We also have some good writers and poets, like Peer Mohd, Maidin Sultan etc.
- From: tigerboy (@
on: Wed Jan 28 09:28:33 EST 2004
What about Prabakharan?... He is patriotic too... and the Tamil Muslims living in the Middle East countries are patriotic too...
But patrioism is a stupid thing...
- From: Periyar Arivar (@ 161.65-104.adsl.ij.net)
on: Wed Jan 28 11:27:43 EST 2004
comparing prabhakaran with the middle east piggy muslim traitors? ur nuts are in place or what?.muslims re always traitors, mere animals who swoo to the tune of the pedophile prophet mohamed pukaguy.
- From: tigerboy (@ d40a7bba.rev.stofanet.dk)
on: Wed Jan 28 17:33:37 EST 2004
but i still believe that middle east are more Tamil-minded than Indian Tamil muslims and Moors of Eelam... but I really don't know much about muslims... (only arabs in Denmark)
- From: ... (@ d40a7bba.rev.stofanet.dk)
on: Wed Jan 28 17:35:04 EST 2004
I mean... I only know about Muslims living in Denmark...
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