CASTE SYSTEM—Blessing or Curse?
Topic started by Ed Viswanathan (@ on Tue Jun 11 10:26:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
CASTE SYSTEM—Blessing or Curse?
Since childhood, I am always tormented by the word CASTE and caste system. CASTE is a throbbing question in me.
Why a culture so tolerant, backing a deplorable divion of the society?
With hundreds of thousands of DALITS [refer to INDIA WEST November 9,2001--page A22] converting to Buddhism last month and millions in India are converting to Islam and Christianity, we have to ask this proverbial question, IS A CASTE A BLESSING OR CURSE??
Is Caste System helping us or destroying us as a society and culture????
True, some one can quote different verses from scriptures [Rig Veda, Manu smriti] and defend it, but as far as I am concerned, CASTE SYSTEM HAS CREATED MULTITUDES OF PROBLEMS IN HINDU SOCIETY.
It has destroyed the beautiful fabric of Hinduism. It created demons like “BRAHMINISM” and DEVADASI SYSTEM” .
- Old responses
- From: fgh (@
on: Wed Sep 17 17:17:33
- From: tanzeem (@ )
on: Sat Mar 6 03:19:01
want to know about caste as THEYAs details. please help me.
- From: tanzeem (@
on: Sat Mar 6 03:43:37 EST 2004
want to know about caste as THEYAs details. please help me.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sat Mar 6 04:54:52 EST 2004
Problem is not caste system.But peoples attitutes.Westerners look down upon colored ppl.Tagore did not go to USA to complete his lecture tour as he was insulted by Los Angeles immigration officials.Slavery of blacks by Arabs , muslims and whites , unotuchability is there in Islam also ,they dont eat food cooked by hindus and also sprinkle water on ground walked by hindus.
So why the fuss when hindus do it ?
Plus arranged marraige is the norm in islamic countries but the world makes it appear as if it was a hindu thing.
- From: coolguy (@
on: Sun Mar 7 06:03:50 EST 2004
theres no need of the caste system.India should get rid of it.
- From: vijayakant (@
on: Tue Mar 9 02:29:48 EST 2004
Dear friends,
Brahmins have never wilingly exploited the lower castes.This was forced by the dreadful "Manusmriti" created by an evil minded person called "Manu".Much of the exploitation consisted of "Ostracism or keeping away " of the Lower castes.This is bad enough but brought more so by ignorance both on account of the brahmins and the other castes.
The lower castes too did not help the matter.If you look at it impartially lower castes have poor hygene values ,very little desire to learn sanskrit or Vedas and a very different ( Tamasic" form of worship) from brahmin worship (Sattvic). Lower castes are non-veg while brahmins are veg.Lower castes slaughter animals as their form of worship.Drinking,smoking,non-veg are abominable to brahmins but permissable to lower castes .
It is because of these fundamental differences that it is very difficult to reconcile the caste issue.
Hence the noted visionary Bodisattva Dr. B.R Ambedkar gave us the worlds' best constitution.Let us follow it and throw the "Manusmriti & Sashtras" into the dustbin.Let there be no caste system.Let Non-veg/veg be a matter of personal choice and not an institutional enforcement. OR Let Hindu society be a multi-caste society with no hatred or exploitation between the castes.
Please let me know your response,
Love you all,
Your's sincerely,
- From: Surya (@
on: Wed Mar 10 15:02:30 EST 2004
I agree with coolguy. There sould be no caste system, but in public. Matbe i'm not saying it right. I mean, The caste must be removed from the reservation, and job forms. So the reservation system must be removed.A caste must not help or stop a person from getting a job or a seat in a school.
- From: Surya (@
on: Wed Mar 10 15:04:42 EST 2004
So basically i'm saying that the reservation system must be removed. and the block called caste category or whatever must be removed from every paperwork in india.
on: Sat Mar 20 12:49:27 EST 2004
- From: Nikita shi (@
on: Mon Apr 19 10:20:39
Hello. My name is Nikita Joshi and I am an Indian born and raised in America. I am doing research on the topic of reservations with regard to the Hindu Caste system. Can you please tell me your thoughts as to the reservation system? Are you for it, against it? And why? Should caste play a role in society? Thank you.
Nikita Joshi
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