Did USA faked moon landing(1969)????
Topic started by sweetlankie (@ hse-kingston-ppp193942.sympatico.ca) on Tue Jul 16 17:58:16 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
" Everyone knows about the first moon landing in 1969. We have all seen the footage and heard those few famous poetic, words proclaimed by Neil Armstrong as he claimed our only natural satellite for America. It was a historic moment of human achievement, for the first time in recorded history, man had propelled himself to another world. "
How many people think NASA FAKE IT?
- Old responses
- From: Bob (@
on: Sat May 22 18:49:37 EDT 2004
it is all a government plot to kill us all!!!
- From: Katy (@ host-66-81-164-40.rev.o1.com)
on: Sun May 23 01:17:08 EDT 2004
You should take a look at this website--I think it convincingly debunks all of the "claims" that all of the non-experts have made about the moon landing being a hoax:
It's written by a Senior Research Specialist at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Lab.
- From: nathaniel (@
on: Thu May 27 16:52:08 EDT 2004
its all fake, they evenhad stop signs in space and gas tanks
- From: thetruth (@ cpe-66-74-139-63.socal.rr.com)
on: Fri Jun 11 16:53:52
look at this photo. you well see an alien face some temp workers left behind while the fake moon landing picture was taken. (in nevada).
also, if you look at all the differenct pictures, you will see that some of the moon dust are light grey, some look like sand, and some look like dirt.
very inconsistent.
not to mention those heavy azz rockets creating no creators when they landed. and created to marks when they were moved. looks like it just been placed there perfectly for those photos to be taken.
last but not least, look at the video. the dust are falling faster to the ground then the men on the moon. hahahahahah.
when those moon men were hopping to walk on the moon, they created a bunch of mooon dust. and the moon dust fell back down faster then the men on the moon. hahahahhaah.
those moon men were on wires and the videos were edited to go in slow motion.
- From: Elizabeth Mona (@ 81-86-194-20.dsl.pipex.com)
on: Sun Jun 13 13:28:59 EDT 2004
What is the proof that man walked on the moon?
- From: ~ (@ pc162235.napier.ac.uk)
on: Thu Jun 17 09:14:48 EDT 2004
Americans fake everything... why not this one?
- From: Buzz A (@ as02-def-mi-205-185-236-108.rasserver.net)
on: Thu Jun 24 02:09:12 EDT 2004
Fvck yeah we went! and and it's made of green cheeze Biotch!!!!
- From: Buzz A (@ as02-def-mi-205-185-236-108.rasserver.net)
on: Thu Jun 24 02:12:06 EDT 2004
Fvck yeah we went! and it's made of green cheeze Biotch!!!!
- From: JC (@ cs24160133-78.satx.rr.com)
on: Wed Jul 21 00:49:34
I think that many things need to be taken into consideration regarding the moon landing. Some of the main things that need to be considered are the politics and the general attitude at the time. Vietnam was one of, if not, the most controversial war we ever engaged in. Everyone was unhappy about that, and other heated political concerns. Not to mention the Cold War was upon us and the Russians were beating us at the Space Game. It was imperative that we "Act" fast. Pun intended. During that short period from '69 to '72 we went to space six (6) times, then stopped, COMPLETELY. Why? Because people's moods were getting better, we were feeling better about being Americans, and we beat the Russians. Most of us are familiar with the shadow inconsistencies and other anomalies in the distributed pictures. What I find extremely funny is how "toy" like that LEM looks. It looks like gold aluminum foil wrapped around some pipe. It doesn't even look like it could handle a re-entry into the earths atmosphere. I could go on, but everyone who reads this needs to do more research. Look and you will see and read what I am talking about. Good Luck on your own decision and research. I believe it was bogus. We had to much to lose at that time both politically and nationally. We had to find a way to get back on top. We were ONE of the super powers, but not THE super power as we are now.
- From: selvam (@ bbcache-8.singnet.com.sg)
on: Sun Jul 25 09:51:17 EDT 2004
Yeah! A couple of years down the road, people will be wondering if the 9/11 Twin Towers attack was a fake. They will also question if US really attacked Iraq or was it a Hollywood stunt!!
- From: B. Wiggins (@
on: Tue Jul 27 22:50:10 EDT 2004
just look at the evidence that it was faked!!!! i think the people that believe are the people who are afraid not to believe!!
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