The Indo-Pak Issue : A sensible article...
Topic started by V (@ on Fri Dec 28 16:28:29 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- From: Pillay Ramasamy (@
on: Fri Dec 28 19:27:07
An apt and precise analysis of the crises facing the Indian nation.I find it hard to disagree with the writer's opinion.Though it must be very difficult on the part of India not to react,it would be extremely unwise to take military action.India must rise from its current position economically first.Every Indian(irrespective of nationality,race and creed) who walks the phase of this Earth can only gain respect and dignity from its other inhabitants if India stands tall in the economic front.Anything that will deter India from attaining this objective has to be ignored.Afterall Pakistan is the toy being used by the West and China to hinder India's progress in the economic field.It will be difficult for Pakistan to do otherwise for its leaders and people are incapable of doing anything else. Therefore stay alert and guard your frontiers but DO NOT go to war.
- From: V (@
on: Sun Jan 6 09:09:23
If the previous article focussed on a few class factors which are involved (Pakistan is a remarkably effective and inexpensive vehicle for Chinese foreign policy aims in the region, which is to keep India off balance for as long as possible ; this is not only with the Chinese but also with the vested interests of the G7 countries), this article points out the practical loss we have to think of.
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