Aryans and Dravidians

Topic started by Omniscient (@ on Sun Jul 22 18:43:45 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Why is there always an arguments with some claiming north-indians are aryans and south indians are dravidians. Even if so why is even brought up.

To start with, the concept of aryan-dravidian was brought about by the british utilized it alongside their other divide and rule policies and it worked like a charm.

Now, to add insult to injury 50 years after the "RAJ", all of their divide and rule policies are carried out by our politician. At least to an extent the british did lay some infra structure to help the country, what did ur politicians do.

Secondly, if it is something to do with "air of superiority" of the north-indians, sorry guys, don't be disappointed there is nothing called superiority complex, it is all in the mind, infact it is the insecurity that makes us to start in believing that one is superior over the other, and slowly builds around it. So, as a matter of fact, to not feel inferior we bring about the "air of superiority"

So, think about it.


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